Yr 9 & 11 Mentor Program

Last week, students in Years 9 and 11 participated in a Mentor program. The Year 11's created a presentation and worked in small groups to mentor the Year 9s who had put together questions for them.
On Wednesday year 9 and 11 classes had a mentoring session together. During this time, us Year 9s got to ask questions about the things we were unclear about moving forward into later years. For example, when is the best time to study? How do you balance a social life and study? The Year 11s then answered those questions and talked about their experiences about the questions. There were many positives during the mentoring session as I found it helpful to understand what I needed to do to become a successful learner at home and at school. The session also helped me understand what to expect in the upcoming years. Dimitre Gosios, 9A
On the 14th of June, explore classes 9A and 9B were taken to the Senior Centre, where they would form groups of 3 or 4 and sit down with groups of Year 11s to discuss many things like VCE, ATAR, studying habits, and more through student-made presentations and asking questions. It was a helpful experience, letting us know more about what doing VCE is like and how the classes are and how we should prepare for the senior levels of school and advice on taking early-start VCE subjects. Blake Mackenzie 9B
On the 14th of June, during our explore class, some of the year 11 classes gathered in the senior centre to take the opportunity to be a mentor to the year 9s. This involved the year 11’s teaching them from a student’s perspective of what VCE is all about.
A week prior, the year 9’s had a chance to brainstorm in class all the questions they had on the topic of VCE. This may have included questions on assessments, classes, homework, and so much more. The year 11’s on the other hand, had a whole Explore lesson dedicated to making some type of presentation such as a PowerPoint or poster, in response to the questions from the year 9’s.
Upon the year 9’s arrival in the senior centre, the year 11’s were all set up in their groups, and ready to take on the questions of year 9’s. The room was filled with chatter and the year 9’s did not disappoint with their questions. Good conversation was made and lots of experiences were shared.
By the time we knew it, the conversations had to come to an end. I’m sure a lot of us would agree that everyone had a great time. Hopefully the year 9’s took something away with them and had the chance to have a think of all their possible future pathways here at Wantirna College. Jessica Bennett 11A