Career & Pathways News
Term 1
Career & Pathways News
Term 1
Our Morrisby interviews have continued this past week, with Year 9s engaging in personalised careers conversations with external practitioners. We hope that students will continue to access their Morrisby profiles and the wealth of information available in the preparation for subject selection in Term 3.
Planning is well and truly underway for our Year 10 University and TAFE tours which will be taking place in the 2nd week of Term 3, on Wednesday 19 July. Students have been provided with the opportunity to put in preferences for their chosen tour from the following options:
Tour 1: Monash University/Deakin University
Tour 2: LaTrobe University /Deakin University
Tour 3: Monash University/University of Melbourne
Tour 4: Holmesglen Institute/Victoria University
Tour 5: William Angliss Institute/Box Hill Institute
Tour 6: Deakin University/Swinburne University
We are excited to have our Year 10s step foot on two different Tertiary campuses to see what University and TAFE life is all about, as well as getting an idea of the different courses available to them.
Year 11 students have been exploring many study techniques and the Science of Study. This has been beneficial for the students to gain an insight into how to study effectively, which in turn will help the students increase their performance in class. Students will be building on this in Term 3 by completing their Career Action Plans, followed by some subject selection planning and finishing off with some course counselling in relation to finalising subjects for Year 12.
It’s been great to see so many Year 12 students making bookings with myself and Mr Knowles for Pathways conversations. Bookings for next term will open up over the holidays and we encourage all students to continue to make a time to discuss options for their future.
In Explore next term, Year 12s will be introduced to VTAC (Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre) – the place where they will be putting in applications for their TAFE and University choices. Students will be taken through the registration and application process and we will be spending several weeks guiding students through how to research different courses to find the best fit for them.
To help students equip themselves with enough knowledge in their decision-making, we strongly encourage students to attend Open Days at various universities and TAFEs, which will be occurring throughout July and August.
Information with dates has been posted on Teams and is displayed in the Pathways Hub. We will also post information on Compass if parents and guardians wish to engage in this process with their children.
Please find attached the latest three editions of Careers News, with information for students of all year levels.
Items in the 9 June Career News include -
Items in the 16 June Career News include -
Items in the 23 June Career News include -
Jessie Dennison
Timothy Knowles
Career Practitioners