From the Principal

Dear families
Term 3 started with a really successful week of swimming lessons for Reception to Year 5 students. It is not our preferred time of year due to the colder weather but it is the only time slot offered to us by our local swim centre and so really have no choice. Staff and families have ensured that despite the time of year it is a great event enjoyed by all. Thank you.
We also take the time in Term 3 to focus strongly on the assessment of achievement in the year so far. In weeks 4-6 Year 1 students will participate in the Phonics Screening check. Students in Year 1 to Year 6 will also participate in Progressive Achievement Tests for Reading and Maths. This week we will also be sending home NAPLaN results for students in Years 3 and 5 who sat NAPLaN tests in May this year.
An important part of student learning growth is also in the demonstrated growth in learning, wellbeing and social skills that staff facilitate and document throughout the year. We all very proud of all of our students and the growth they are showing in so many aspects.