STEM Leaders and JP Buddies
The exciting 4 week Lego Masters Challenge has finally come to a close. It was impressive to have between 35 -50 students participating each week. Each team consisted of 3-5 Lego-building competitors, who designed building creations out of Lego pieces based on a given theme and within a 20 minute time period.
Once the time was up, the teams showed their creations to the STEM Team Leaders Jackson, Kai, Max c and Tai . Each week, the winning team was awarded 15 points for their design. Points were also awarded to individual teams for their cooperation, communication and creativity. In the Lego Masters finale, the top teams competed for a Lego prize and the title of Lego Masters. We would like to congratulate all the participants for their good behaviour and creative efforts.
It was difficult choosing the winning design over the 4 week block as there were lots of great building designs and passionate Lego enthusiasts. Congratulations to Katelin, Erica, Maddison, Lucy and Lily from TEAM Phoenix who scored 40 points making them the winners of the 2020 WBPS Lego Masters Challenge.
Check out some of different and creative designs that the children came up with during the weekly challenges. Here’s what some of the participants had to say about the Lego Masters Challenge. ______________________________________________________________________
I enjoyed all of the fun involved in the Lego challenge. When you finish you get a sticker. At the end you get a prize and it does not matter if you win or lose. It was fun to be involved. Judd – Room 9
I enjoyed seeing all the kids faces light up when Josh and Jody walked through the door. Jackson – Room 10
I liked Jody and Josh visiting, it was a great surprise. I enjoyed building the double decker couch and put the parts together Savannah – Room 4
It was exciting seeing Jody and Josh the South Australian Lego Masters. I liked do all the challenges especially when we had to use the SNOT Block (Studs Not On Top Block) Lily - Room 5
I liked working together with my team on the different challenges. It was great to see all the other creative and detailed builds from the other kids. Jason – Room 7
It was good building with friends and we liked going ALL the challenges. Alex and Mason – Room 1
It was fun competing with everyone and doing the challenges in a certain time limit was hard and exciting. Isra and Shakiyah – Room 15
Vinnies Christmas Appeal
When: Tuesday 1st December – Thursday 10th December.
Why: Act of Kindness…
Let’s help feed some families who need our help because they may be doing it tough during these difficult times.
What to do: Please donate an item(s) of non perishable food/festive food, which can be placed in the collection box in your child’s class.
Preferred food items include UHT milk, cereal (Weet-Bix), canned baked beans, spaghetti or other pasta, soups, small tins of tuna, sardines, biscuits, crackers, pasta sauce (no canned tomatoes), canned fruit, jam or festive foods/items.
Thank you for your generosity.