From the Principal
Term 4, Week 8, Kevin Kennedy
Dear Families,
Class Placement Process
Students will have their class placements confirmed this week. On Friday students will have the opportunity to visit their new classroom and their 2021 teacher. Each student will also receive a letter for parents /carers detailing their room number and classroom teacher.
Several of our teachers are yet to have their contracts approved by the Department of Education, if your child has one of these teachers they will not have the name of their classroom teacher on their class placement letter. However, they would have met this teacher on Friday when visiting their 2021 class. Once the contract teacher’s appointments have been approved, we will confirm the class they will be teaching.
Placing student in classes is a long process and it takes many hours to construct balanced classes.
Class placements have been guided by the following:
· Teacher knowledge and experience of the students
· Social, emotional and behavioural needs of the students
· Academic needs of the students
· Gender balance of the classes
· Class size and year level composition
· Parent and student information
Unfortunately, we have not been able to meet all requests. There will be a mixture of straight and composite year level classes which includes a year 5/6 class. The year 6 students in the class will participate in all upper primary activities and events and will be part of the upper primary wing in the main building.
We have done our best to be fair and equitable in this process. It is recommended that you meet with your child’s 2021 allocated classroom teacher early next year to discuss any concerns or queries that are relevant to your child’s learning.
Please note that class placements are final.
Certificate Winners
We have had some outstanding achievements this term that we would like to acknowledge. Congratulations to the following students:
West Beach Primary School Certificates
Premier’s Reading Challenge Certificates
Hall of Fame – Reader for Life 9 Years
Layla Clohessy
Brayden McKenzie
Hall of Fame – Reader for Life 8 Years
Mason Freitas
Archie Robertson
Anhad Bhatia
Ruby Bergus
Isla Hassell
Evelyn Knott
Harper Moore
Jake Rooney
Cooper Bray
Molly Cooper
Jack Ferris
Riley Kellock-Illingworth
Hayley Wiseman
West Beach Kindergarten
Certificate of Appreciation to the Nunga children for visiting The West Beach kindergarten and sharing your cultural knowledge in 2020.
Nash Moore
Bailey Trask
Ava Trask
Sayomi Kean
Halle Ramzan
Japanese Ninja Award
For enthusiastically learning extra Japanese words at home.
Shakiyah Grocke
Hope Williams
Terrific Kids Club
Super Citizen Membership sponsored by Kiwanis club of Reedbeds inc.
Jackson Hefford
Erica Yang
School of Languages
Award of Merit for Year 6 Chinese
Alison Grant
Kind regards,
Kevin Kennedy