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Want to be in Wakakirri?


Wakakirri is a national story-dance festival for Primary and Secondary students that has been running since 1992. Wakakirri is a word from the Wangaaypuwan people in central NSW meaning "to dance a story".


A Wakakirri Story-Dance is a 3-7 minute performance by a group of students that theatrically tells a story using a combination of dancing, creative movement and acting to pre-recorded music.


Performing in Wakakirri Live is an experience students never forget. Schools spend Show Day rehearsing and meeting other schools and that same night walk the Red Carpet with the Panel Reps and perform on the big stage. Every school's story is filmed for Wakakirri TV as part of the search for ‘Story of the Year’.


More information can be found at


Wakakirri rehearsals will take place during Wednesday lunch from 1:30-2:10 pm in W5.


Your involvement in Wakakirri can also count as a micro-credential.


An introduction session for students will take place this Wednesday 10 February lunch at 1:30 pm in W5 for students to learn more and ask any questions. Students are welcome to register their interest after this introductory session.


For any further information, please contact Ms. Ghirardello. (