Instrumental Music

It has been an exciting start to the 2021 year in the music department
The VCE Music Performance class have already begun choosing/rehearsing their repertoire for the performance exam and studying music theory.
Weekly Instrumental Music Lessons are timetabled on compass for over 150 students!
Introducing our staff
Peter Croucher – Guitar, Classroom music teacher, VCE Music Performance teacher
Alex Gooding – Drums, bass guitar
Luke James – Trumpet, trombone, guitar, drums
Nicole McAlister – Flute, clarinet, saxophone, guitar, drums – coordinator
Erica Sykes – Violin, guitar
Jessy Turner – Voice, guitar
Enjoy the photos - some of the Year 7s at their first lesson!
Any queries regarding the instrumental music program or a request for an enrolment form for your child, please contact Nicole McAlister via email
or through Compass.