From the Library

Library News
It has been a busy start to the year seeing old faces again and getting to know our new Year 7s.
Library Reading Trolleys
Mrs Kuhne (the School’s Literacy Coach) and Mrs Kirby (Librarian) have welcomed all Year 7 and 8s back to the Library giving them instruction on how to use the Library and introducing them to our Classroom Reading Trolley program. This program was established to encourage recreational reading and has seen an improvement in the School’s literacy levels over the last few years. The program involves the students, with the assistance of Library staff, selecting books from the Library, placing them on a trolley and then using those books within the classroom at agreed times with their Teachers. Approximately 500 books are supplied annually to the Year 7 and 8 classrooms via our Library Reading Trolleys.
On – site Learning
Yet again we found ourselves being the centre of on-site learning during lockdown. Ms Meadows (Tutor Co-ordinator) joined Ms Kirby, Ms McAloon and Mr Stokes assisting students with their remote classes. There was even time for Ms Meadows and Marley
(Y 7B) to enjoy a quick board game!