
Welcome to Wellbeing for 2021
Dear FHS Community
Welcome to 2021 and our first Wellbeing Newsletter! Our team will be communicating and sharing wellbeing news through this newsletter, including resources, events, and articles that our students, parents, and caregivers, may find useful.
I want to begin by introducing and welcoming Peta Cartwright to the Fairhills Wellbeing Team. As part of the DET Mental Health Practitioner in Schools initiative in 2021, Peta joins the team in providing extra support for students and families. Peta comes from a social work background, with a wealth of knowledge and experience. As part of Peta’s role, she will be utilising the newsletter to keep you updated about the fantastic upcoming events. Welcome to the team, Peta! I would also like to welcome our university placement students: Eleri, Jess, Jo, Kate, and Zeynep, who will be with us for Semester 1.
I am also very excited to announce that FHS has partnered with Foodbank Australia to implement a Breakfast Club (read below for more details).
We are very excited about the changes taking place around our school community!
“Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.” - Oscar Wilde
Amal Saleh-Zada | Student Wellbeing Coordinator
Mental Health Practitioner
I am really excited to join the Wellbeing Team at Fairhills as part of the Department’s Mental Health Practitioner in Schools initiative. Fairhills is committed to providing a safe, inclusive and respectful learning environment for all students as well as a range of supports for students and families. I am looking forward to working in the Wellbeing team to plan and deliver wellbeing and mental health programs to support all students at Fairhills. Whilst my role may involve support for some individual students, there will be a focus on mental health promotion, prevention and early intervention. You can read below about the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence, one of the first initiatives I will be implementing at the school. Referrals for individual students to see me will be managed through the existing Wellbeing referral processes.
If you would like further information about the initiative or the role, please feel free to contact Amal, Student Wellbeing Coordinator amal.saleh-zada@education.vic.gov.au or myself peta.cartwright@education.vic.gov.au
Peta Cartwright | Social Worker | Mental Health Practitioner
Partnerships for Wellbeing
In partnership with Foodbank Australia, we are pleased to launch our Breakfast Club beginning next week, Monday 22nd Feb. Breakfast Club will run every day from 8-8.30am and is open to all students and staff. There will be a range of healthy brekkie options each day catering to all dietary requirements…and every Thursday will be Pancake Thursday! The Breakfast Club will be run by a group of community volunteers who are generously giving their time to support this program. Please always remember to be respectful to our wonderful volunteers.
In 2021 the Wellbeing team is once again partnering with Deakin University, RMIT and ACAP to provide supported learning opportunities for Social Work and Counselling students on their professional practice placements. We welcome back Zeynep who is completing her counselling placement with us and welcome Jess, Kate, Eleri and Jo, who will be with us for Term 1 and 2 completing their Social Work placements. They will be working with the Wellbeing Team to provide mentoring or counselling support for students and will be assisting with Wellbeing programs throughout the terms.
In 2021, Fairhills will join the many schools around Australia to Take Action Together on Friday 19th March, the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence (NDA). We will be facilitating activities and discussions relating to respect in relationships, ‘upstander’ behaviour and tips for identifying and managing bullying behaviour. Student activities will run during Health classes as well as at lunchtimes in the week leading up to the NDA. We’ll also be running an awareness-raising campaign via compass for students and families.
We are excited and proud to be taking part in this initiative this year and look forward to community support as Fairhills takes action together to support a safe and respectful environment for all students and families.
For more information on the National Day of Action, you can visit www.bullyingnoway.gov.au for a range of useful information and resources for parents and students around bullying, including links to support if you feel as though you are or have been affected by bullying.
Accessing Support
If you or anyone you know needs immediate support, please contact kidshelpline or lifeline on the numbers below. Parents and Students are welcome to make an appointment with the Wellbeing Team to access support for social and emotional needs. You can do this via the following link: https://www.halaxy.com/profile/fhs-wellbeing/location/505351