
Uniform Expectations
The Fairhills High School School Council unanimously supports the concept of a school uniform for all students. A neat uniform helps foster school spirit and develop pride in students’ personal appearance. Parents are expected to give full support to the school’s uniform policy. Council considers the uniform to be a fundamental aspect of Fairhills High School’s educational policy and ethos.
Parents/Guardians are advised to purchase all garments (except shoes) from the uniform shop to ensure that everything is the correct style. The School Uniform shop is operated by Buxwear Uniforms and is located in R4 at the school. It is open on Thursday’s 12pm-4pm.
Fairhills High School Uniform Infringement Process
First Infringement
- Students reminded of student dress code and uniform respectfully
- Students informed of Lunch-time Detention
- Parents informed via a Uniform Level 1 Letter/notification by the Uniform Officer
- If a student does not attend the lunch-time detention it will be escalated automatically to the next level
Second Infringement
- Thursday after-school detention issued
- Parents informed via a Uniform Level 2 Letter/notification by the Uniform Officer
- If a student does not attend the after-school detention it will be escalated automatically to the next level
Third Infringement
- A parent meeting with the Year Level Coordinator (YLC) and/or Assistant Principal to discuss uniform concerns
Fourth Infringement
- One day internal suspension issued by the YLC and Assistant Principal – Learning provided by teachers
Fifth Infringement
- A Parent meeting with the Principal
The appropriate presentation of a parent note to the uniform officer at the start of the day and the issue of a uniform pass will ensure that a student does not receive an infringement
The note should explain:
The note is not for infringements like facial piercings or hair colouring but for shoes, jackets and other like clothing. The student needs to show the communication to the Uniform officer at the beginning of the day, who will give the student an “out of uniform authorisation pass.” |