

  • Revise the Public Access system, focusing mainly on a keyword search and reminding students to observe the status (whether the book is available) of the book first.
  • Revise where a call number is when using the access system and not to confuse it with barcode number.
  • Discuss the importance of library bags.
  • Revise the locations of the Library.
  • Formulate the Library Essential Agreement and refer to it regularly.
  • Incorporate the Unit of Inquiry – ‘How We Express Ourselves’ by reading ‘The Giving Tree’ by S. Silverstein.

Visual Arts

The Term 1 Unit of Inquiry is called 'Expressing Emotions in Art', which integrates with the Transdisciplinary theme - 'How We Express Ourselves'. The Line of Inquiry is the creative ways of exploring our emotions. Students will be inspired by cultural celebrations and their different art forms.


Students participate in:

  • Designing their own Mandala to explore the emotion of happiness, inspired by the celebration of ‘Losar’ Tibetan New Year. Capturing effective pattern, use of symmetry and colour.
  • Experimenting with a range of painting tools and a warm colour palette creating a page of painted anger, after reading the book 'The Red Beast'. Looking at the Japanese festival ‘Setsubun’, the students use their anger painted paper to create their own Beast, demonstrating drawing and collage skills.
  • Creating a collage piece to represent ‘Bravery’, inspired by the elaborate headdress of Native America. Demonstrating a unique design enhanced with effective collage to illustrate bravery.
  • After watching a traditional New Zealand Maori Haka, an ancestral dance and war cry, students design a Tiki symbol print to evoke the emotion of ‘Fear’, demonstrating a clear bold design and the application of the print making process.   

 Physical Education

Team Building Activities/Parachute/Fundamental Motor Skills.

Consolidating basic movement skills and more complex movement skills.



Focus: Working together as a group showing respect and tolerance for others. Demonstrating open-mindedness and caring for each other. Continuing to practice, control and master Fundamental Motor Skills of Rolling, Under/Overarm Throwing and Catching. Incorporate these skills into more complex minor games.



Concepts: Responsibility - looking after sports equipment and personal organisation.


Learner Profile: Discussion with the children about Learner Profiles demonstrated during the lesson. Children begin to identify others who demonstrated a particular Learner Profile.



  • Responsibility
  • Form (pattern)
  • Perspective (point of view of others)


  • Essential agreement in Japanese room.
  • Spell the agreement in HIRAGANA characters Eg. がんばります(Do your best) 
  • Holiday stories (describe the holiday stories using KEIYOSHI - adjective, Eg.  すごい(Awesome) たのしい(fun) 
  • Greetings  in Japanese Room. (Helloこんにちは, Goodbyeさようなら, Good morningおはよう, See youまたね, Thank youありがとう, etc) 
  • Classroom words in Japanese Eg. Be quietしずかに, One more timeもういちど       Please give me… くださいThere you go!どうぞ! 
  • Hiragana/Katakana characters.

Let’s spell my name in katakana.  


-Healthy food of Japan 


What is BENTO? 3 food groups in Japanese diet. 


-HINAMATSURI (dolls festival) 


How do Japanese celebrate the festival? 


Japanese songs and dance.



How We Express Ourselves and Who We Are


Focus: To explore the effects of music on emotions through singing and listening and to find creative ways to express their emotions through group performances with percussion instruments. Students will increase their music knowledge as they investigate tone colour, long and short sounds, long and short rhythms and ostinato patterns.​


The children will:

  • Sing songs: promoting respect and a positive attitude. E.g. Thank You For Being a Friend 
  • Make choices about sound: recognizing and playing rhythms in 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 (thinker) 
  • Manipulate chants and simple songs to express ideas and emotions, by changing different elements in music. 
  • Explore body movements as a means of expression. eg. raps, creative movement.  
  • Become familiar with the tone colour and playing techniques for tuned and untuned percussion instruments.  
  • Have many opportunities to find ways to express themselves musically and creatively through class performances.