News from the Art Room


After almost two terms of conducting art lessons online, the students and I were excited to get back into the Art Room and get a bit messy! Students across all year levels began or extended their learning of the Elements of Art which are colour, shape, line, texture, value, form and space. This term the focus was on the elements of line, colour and shape.



While the Preps had fun learning how to draw each of the six styles of line, (vertical, horizontal, diagonal, zigzag, curvy and spiral),  JLC students drew some hilarious faces using different lines to create crazy hair. MLC students engaged with nature and created line patterns in leaves and SLC students drew a landscape where the objects within were filled with the various lines as opposed to regular colouring in.



When exploring shape, students learned about different types of shapes; geometric, irregular and organic and anamorphic for the senior students. Prep students created a super colourful mobile of geometric shapes which they coloured, painted and then attached to string or ribbon. JLC explored the sculptural work of Alexander Calder who uses geometric and irregular shapes in his fish sculptures and created their own artwork inspired by his pieces. MLC students produced striking, overlapping paper collages using one geometric shape cut out in different sizes from various papers. Meanwhile, the SLC used geometric shapes to create a precise overlapping design which they coloured using soft pastels.



All students reviewed their knowledge of the three primary colours, red, blue and yellow and the secondary colours, purple, green and orange, that can be created from mixing the primaries. Prep students practised their colour mixing skills, while JLC created a Kandinsky inspired collaborative artwork using their paint mixing skills also. MLC experimented with colour mixing before making artwork with mixed colours in the background and the silhouette of bamboo on top with amazing results. SLC utilised their knowledge of organic and anamorphic shapes to create an artwork which gives the suggestion of a shape or object.


Year 6 students Matthew, Gerardine and Shirley have also completed their brick on our Graduation Wall.


Next year students will be undertaking a unit on clay and if any families have rolling pins, cookie cutters, forks or dinner/butter/plastic knives that students can use to manipulate and cut clay, I would greatly appreciate them.


Senior students have requested to do tie-dying again and a white t-shirt, pillowcase or other white fabric that is 100% cotton will be needed for this at some stage during the year.


If anyone also has any wood offcuts, pine or balsa wood I would happily take them off your hands as they make great bases for sculptural pieces and for nail and string art.


Wishing all students and their families a wonderful Christmas and safe New Year.


Miss Carly Wills

Visual Arts Teacher