Miss Munro's Maths Message


Miss Munro’s Maths Message!

Happy Term 4! Welcome Back!

As I sit down to write this, our count down to the end of term (for Year 7-9) sits at…


And THERE ARE EVEN FEWER DAYS for our year 10-12s. Now, we don’t want to wish away the year… But this count down means we have an awful lot to squeeze in before we bid farewell to the 2018 school year.

Year 7 & 8

Watch this space as we begin to talk about what we have in store for this fantastic group of learners. Our team are working to ensure we finish the year strongly with another great term of skills and content learning. Our aim is not to just deliver content – but to work with these young people to see them develop a range of skills which they can transfer across subjects. This include developing problem solving strategies, creative and critical thinking and reasoning. We can already see through the learning tasks completed over the year, that the skills our young people have are continuing to build and grow! It really is fantastic to watch.

This was evident, when some of the classes investigated how they could show what a million looks like. Sometimes numbers become just an obscure part of our lives… we wanted students to think about what a number is, what it represents, and explore how we use maths day to day; without even knowing we do it.

Year 9 & 10

Our Year 9 and 10 students this term have made a great start to the term already. Lots of our students came back saying they had been working on modules over the holidays! For this term, our plan is to continue to develop our students’ thinking skills and build their ability to problem solve, reason and develop strategies. This will be done by working through a range of different Rich learning tasks.

Some of our Year 9 students and Year 10 students will also begin to work through some more text-book driven content as we move towards the VCE-end of their school careers. This will mean that modules will really become the homework component of the maths load. This is to build good work practices around studying in VCE. It will also help to give those moving into VCE a good leg up on what VCE starts to feel like. We will help to build good study practices, note taking, and general tips and tricks for VCE.


We really look forward to a fantastic Term 4, and remember that if you have any questions, you can email us (the teachers); we are more than happy to hear from you.