Equestrian News

Last Friday afternoon the equestrian team gathered for their first training session of the year at the Mandurang South Pony Club grounds. We had a wide range of riders attend from grade 1 all the way through to year 12 both mounted and unmounted, along with parents, siblings and even a dog or two! After a brief warm up and a team photo opportunity, the entire group headed out to the cross country course for a training ride.


Everybody participated with some of the unmounted riders helping to lead the junior riders, whilst the senior team members tested themselves over some higher, more challenging jumps. After untacking the horses, we all gathered for some shared afternoon tea and discussed plans for the next equestrian team gathering. A special thanks must go to Mandurang South Pony Club for the generous use of their facilities, to all the wonderful parents and to Mrs Nic James for her ongoing support of the equestrian team.