IPS School Council

President's Report



June 18th 2020


Our final School Council meeting for the term was held last night and was once again convened via WebEx.  During the meeting, members received updates on the progress of the Stage 2 build (which is all on schedule) and also looked at the outcomes of a recent Self-Assessment survey for School Council members.  The feedback gave us an opportunity to reflect on what our strengths are, what additional training might be required and where we could focus our efforts in making some improvements within the membership.


We endorsed the Terms of Reference for a new Environmental Working Group, which will start meeting in Term 3.  For any parents wanting to know more about the group, or who are interested in joining and contributing, further information on how to get involved will be provided in the next weeks school newsletter.


Our finances for April and May were ratified and a total of nine policies were tabled for noting, consultation or endorsement.  The bulk of the meeting focused on the plans and schedule being put in place to prepare us for the development of our next School Strategic Plan (SSP).  We are in the final year of our current SSP and will be working with IPS staff and Department representatives in developing the 2021-24 Plan.


In the coming weeks, a series of questions will be sent to all families seeking feedback on your experiences at IPS gauging how well you believe we meet certain goals as well as seeking commentary on how we can improve further on them.  I encourage all families to complete this short survey to ensure that you have a voice in shaping our targets and goals over the next four years.


This has been a term like no other and as the weeks move on, we will continue to adapt and change our return to school plans in line with State and Federal Government advice. We would like to thank all parents and staff who have been volunteering their time to assist with pick up and drop off periods.  Their contributions are making these peak times run a lot more smoothly and we thank you for your support.


We continue to ask for your understanding and patience during this time and for you to encourage this in other families. While you may have to park a bit further away or walk a little longer to get to the right entry gate, please know that all the plans are there to protect the safety of you and your children.


Thank you.


Kelly Toghill

School Council President