At the start of Term 3 all Year 7-10 students found themselves learning from home once again, resulting in many classroom processes and activities being adapted to suit a remote learning environment. However, one program that could be translated fluidly to a remote learning structure was the beloved Kahoot!


Kahoot! is an extremely popular interactive quiz platform that allows students to compete in a fun and real time activity. Teachers can quickly create quizzes that test students on the content they are covering in class.


As one Year 7 ELMS class began their revision for their next Learning Task on Circles, they competed in a ten question quiz on Kahoot! Students were awarded points for correct answers, as well as bonus points for speedy responses.

After an intense battle, the top spots went to:


1.    Hunar Nijjer (12,974 points)

2.    Thea Dodos (12,834 points)

3.    Jasmine Zhang (11,459 points)


And an honourable mention to runners-ups Carter Goh and Sunny Pham Ho.


Natalie Little

Mathematics Teacher