National Science Week is Australia’s annual celebration of science and technology, running each year in August. This celebration aims to raise the profile and increase the public understanding and public appreciation of science, innovation, engineering and technology, and their role in maintaining and improving our society, economy and environment. 


We usually host a number of events at school for students to participate in, but this year we’ll move our celebrations online. During the week, we will offer students a variety of online events and incursions as well as daily competitions to engage them in the theme: 


Deep blue: innovations for the future of our oceans


The theme lends itself well to the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, which kicks off next year, and explores marine science and innovation to achieve long-term sustainability of our oceans. 


Please keep a lookout on Compass for daily notices on the student newsfeed. There will be some lovely prizes on offer.


Cherie Marks

Head of Science