


Have you ever felt outnumbered, outwitted and/ or outmatched? Consider this account from the bible.

On one side, we have Elisha and his servant. 

On the other, King of Aram’s army.

The odds really did look stacked against the group of two. Elisha’s servant certainly thought so as he ran terrified to tell Elisha of the predicament, they were in. Elisha’s response might seem rather curious. Calmly he turned to him and responded as a matter of a fact, “Don’t be afraid. Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” He then asked God to open his servant’s eyes to see what the scene really looked like. Surrounding the King of Aram’s army was a vast and even more powerful army from heaven, full of horses and chariots of fire. Now who was really outnumbered, outwitted and outmatched? 

In the verses that follow that relate to this story, I cannot find one instance of actual fighting. Through some extraordinary events, the King of Aram’s army end up standing in front of the King of Israel. Instead of getting his revenge, the king of Israel showed them kindness and mercy, and even treated them to a feast before they were sent on their way. Talk about a different outcome than what was anticipated! If you would like to find out more details check out 2 Kings 6: 8-23. 

This link gives a summary (click here


Sometimes we find ourselves in overwhelming circumstances. Consider the year we’ve been having so far with Covid-19, or you might be facing something else that is big in your life. Left to our own resources, we can feel outmatched. Fear and its cohorts rise up and attempt to steal our peace and even hope. 

I encourage you to consider Elisha’s response in his situation. 

  • Remembering that he was (we are) not alone.
  • Confidence in God.
  • Talking to God (prayer).

The bible reminds us that God is with us in every season, not just the tricky ones. (I think this was a key that Elisha knew and lived by.) God’s invitation extends to us all to live each day with him.  When we remember this, fear is cut down to size, and we are freed to live in God’s love, peace, strength and hope.

 A powerful change of perspective!


God bless you all!


Georgie Schuster