Around The Primary

Dear Parents

Our Kindy interviews for 2022 have now commenced. Unfortunately for new families this does not include a tour of our school due to COVID-19 restrictions, however; it is a wonderful opportunity to talk to parents about the gift of a Catholic education, the home and school partnership we look forward to sharing and why we are so proud of our school and community. It is so rewarding to listen to parents talking about the gift of their child and their hopes and dreams for them as they make their way through their school years. 


Look who got caught reading! 

On Wednesday our students participated in the National Simultaneous Storytime, an event held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association. Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously around Australia. This year’s book was ‘Whitney and Britney: Chicken Divas’, which is written and illustrated by Lucinda Gifford.


Special thanks to Mrs Cattapan and Mrs Haydon in (aka Whitney and Britney) for enthusiastically bringing the book to life for the enjoyment of our young students. Lots of fun was had with the children dancing and singing with the Chicken Divas!


This week many students had lots of fun with all the leaves that appeared throughout the grounds. Imaginations were fired up and challenges abounded as they collected, sorted, climbed over and through the piles of leaves. 


The joy on the students’ faces and the expressions of delight were a wonderful reminder to us all of how simple experiences, particularly in nature are such rich opportunities. 


May families find some space this long weekend to get outside, even if it is raining and go on an adventure with your children! These are the times that build such important and valuable family memories.


Have fun everyone! 


Kind regards


Antoinette De Pinto

Head of Primary




The theme of National Reconciliation Week is ‘In This Together’. This theme taps into the current pandemic crisis, as well as highlighting the fact that whether in a crisis, or in reconciliation, it’s about coming together to support each other in a shared experience. 


This year is significant because it marks 20 years since the Walk of Reconciliation when some 250,000 Australians walked across the Sydney Harbour Bridge to show their support for greater reconciliation. 


Our Year 6 leaders have been learning about Reconciliation, why it is important in Australia and how we can all continue to walk alongside our First Nations brothers and sisters in a spirit of understanding and respect, and how we can play our part in paving the way for a more just and kinder future. 



In the Loop

The pick-up and drop off guide for the Loop Drive Thru is as follows:


The Loop's Rules - Morning

  • Please drive all the way to the bottom of the loop (in front of the Administration building).
  • For safety, have your child exit from the non-driver (left) side of the vehicle.


The Loop's Rules - Afternoon

  • Smart queuing: Please do not arrive until after 3:10pm. If your child takes a little while to walk to the loop, then perhaps arrive even a bit later. 
  • When waiting for your child in the afternoon please drive all the way to the Administration building to queue (this allows more vehicles to queue off Mooro Drive).
  • Be easy to spot: Have your surname sign displayed on your dash board. The staff will then call your child/children, ready for your approach.
  • Keep it moving: If your child has not arrived at the loop, you will need to 'keep looping'. This allows other parents (with children who are ready) to start pick up. 
  • Keep it safe: Once you have stopped in front of the Administration building, please stay in your vehicle. Staff will help your child get into your car safely, from the non-driver side.

Laudato Si - 'Everything is Connected' 

Last week it was Laudato Si week with theme is ‘Everything is Connected’.


In 2015, Pope Francis published a special letter to inspire and encourage people all over the world to care for our common home – Earth. The Year 4’s have been reflecting on the Pope’s special message and what this means for us. We have drawn illustrations to share this message with others.


It is important that we care for our planet and reduce the pollution in our world.  Grace Fry 4G


We need to look after our bee population because if we don’t have bees everything will die. Scarlett Melbin 4G

Grace Fry
Matteo Desiati
Nicholas Orugun
Samuel Jukic
Scarlett Melbin
William Beach
Grace Fry
Matteo Desiati
Nicholas Orugun
Samuel Jukic
Scarlett Melbin
William Beach

Sports Update

I have been so impressed with the enthusiasm that the students have brought to our fitness unit.  Students in Year 3 to 6 have been learning about some of the different components of fitness and working to improve their results in some standardised fitness tests. It was great to see everyone pushing themselves in the second round of our beep tests and we saw some huge improvements!  A special congratulations to the students below who reached over 10!!

5B   Max Tonich12.0
4G   William Beach11.1
4G   Hudson Grabham11.1
5G   Lydia Defrancesco10.7
6B   Taj Dorrington  10.2
5B   Sam Gooch10.2
4G   Charlie Lennon10.2
4G   Nicholas Maroni10.2
6B   Matthew Mignacca10.2
6B   Gracie Byrne10.1
5B   Christopher Cooney10.1
4B   Kiran Finn10.1
6B   Lucy Morgan10.1

Thank you to all the students who registered to attend our Cross-Country training, the sessions are now full. 


To adhere to the current COVID-19 restrictions, please read the requirements below carefully:  

  • Students must be dropped off in front of the Thomas Moore Exhibition Centre (TMEC)
  • Parents or siblings are unable to join the training
  • A list with Group A and Group B runners will be displayed at TMEC
  • Group A runners to meet at the Hockey pitches
  • Group B runners to meet at the AFL posts
  • Students need to bring healthy snacks for breakfast

I look forward to our first training sessions next week. 


Mr Steve Williams

Primary Sport Coordinator 

Counsellor's Corner

Attached is an article from Parenting Ideas expert Michael Grose which looks at charting a course past COVID-19. The resumption of more normal routines can come with its own challenges and it may take time to adjust to the new normal. 



If you have any concerns about your child or would like some information or resources to help children cope with COVID-19 or other challenges please don’t hesitate to get in touch via email or phone 9383 0469.



Mrs Anne Murphy 

Primary Counsellor