Assistant Principal's Report  9 & 10 

 Ms. Laura Forster


Year 9 & 10

This week we eagerly welcomed back our year 9 and 10 students to classroom based learning. I was delighted to see students returning with such positivity and happiness. Many students stated that they had missed the opportunities for social interaction and collaboration with their peers in learning, and other formal structures to learning that a physical classroom ensures. 


Some changes to school routines have been implemented to ensure the safety of staff and students, and these were outlined during a restructured assembly to all students. (You can read about these under Mr Jewell’s Return to school advice on Compass).  As we are still not permitted to run events that were once common place in schools, such as year level  assemblies in the drama centre, we used the Teams application, we are all so now familiar with, to live stream the assembly to each classroom.


Students have adapted to learning routines well, and are busy completing assessment tasks in their subjects. Year 9 and 10 exams have had to be cancelled for this semester. Advice regarding subject selections for 2021 and corresponding Information Evenings will be provided early next semester.


At this stage based on department advice, we know for the time being at least, that no excursions will be possible including camps and work experience. This is precautionary, and in line with advice to keep students safe from the  risk of virus exposure and also restricting unnecessary movement in the community. Whilst we are disappointed, we are appreciative of the reasons behind these decisions.


Ms Laura Forster

Assistant Principal