PE & Sports News

The House Challenge

This week was WEEK 1 of the House Challenge where every student from year 3-6 were involved in completing 1 FUN activity each day. 


The activity can be completed once or as many times as you like in that day. The student then accesses their One Note Class Page and records in the class table their result and a smiling emoji face to say that they have completed the task for that day. 


 Each student who has a smiling emoji earns a point for their House and extra points are gained from top scores in each of the activities. The House Captains are in charge of one class each and they connect with each class weekly to talk about which House earnt the most points in their class for the week. 


Family members are also getting involved in the challenges and having lots of FUN with the activities. 


Good Luck for Week 2!!


Here are the upcoming Challenges starting Monday 3 August - Week 4