The Resilience Project

The Resilience Project

Beaumaris North Primary School promotes student wellbeing through the delivery of lessons from The Resilience Project Program.


In coming weeks, the newsletter will feature various year levels participating in their wellbeing learning.


What is the Resilience Project?

The Resilience Project delivers emotionally engaging programs to schools, sports clubs and businesses, providing practical, evidence-based, positive mental health strategies to build resilience and happiness.


Mission: To teach positive mental health strategies to help people become more happy and to build resilience.


The Resilience Project focuses on four key strategies: Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness (GEM) and Emotional Literacy.



Paying attention to the things that we have right now, and not worrying about what we don’t have. We practise this by noticing the positives that exist around us.



Putting ourselves in the shoes of others to feel and see what they do. We practice this through being kind and compassionate towards other people.



Our ability to be calm and present at any given moment. We practice this through slowing down and concentrating on one thing at a time. This could be our breathing, completing a colouring sheet or noticing the noises we can hear.


Emotional Literacy

Our ability to label our emotions as we experience them. Labelling our emotions helps us to manage our emotions (soften negative emotions and find positive emotions). We practice this by labelling our emotions as we experience different parts of our day.

For more information, visit