Classroom News 

In Year 5/6

Year 5/6 students have reflected upon Black Lives Matter protests and the life of Jesus. Wondering what Jesus would have thought and acted if he was alive today. Students were asked to look at the current situation, quotes from the New Testament and present their own views. Here below is a sample of their work.

Quotes from the Bible that shows Jesus included everyone. Explain why you chose the quote. How can you be like Jesus?

  • “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. John 13 Isaac
  • ‘For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility’. Ephesians 2 Nicola
  •  ‘As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us! ”When he saw them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” I chose this part of the ten lepers because this shows Jesus helping them, even though they are different. Sylvie

What would Jesus do? Think?  

  • He might have thought that the country and its people needed to learn how to be more respectful and remember what he had done in the past. Nicola
  • Jesus would let everyone have the same amount of justice. He would also forgive the police officer who killed George Floyd. Jasmine


  • Jesus would hate the fact that we are not treating others well. He would try to stop all of this and try telling others to do to others only what you want done to you. Sylvie

How should a leader run a country?

  • Throughout our world there are many leaders, in my opinion, the ideal leaders should be confident, accepting and a problem-solver. A leader should take care of their country and nurture it like a garden. Huy
  • I think they stand up and give them one chance to stop protesting because it could cause more deaths and if they DON’T they should get a fine. Oscar

How can we help change to come?

  • We all need to be accepting and love everyone and help everyone that’s how we will overcome this racism and hate between some of us. Lily
  • I think that everything going on is very unfair. I think that we should try and stop all of the stuff that's happening as soon as possible because this isn’t right. I think that racism is never the answer and that we should all stop being racist because no matter what colour our skin is, all lives matter. Sylvie
  • I think that we should stop protesting here in Australia to make us the role models for them and they should hopefully follow us and by Australians protesting it is just going to be worse. Oscar

We've been busy in P-2!

The students in P-2 have been very creative since coming back to school. We've made autumn leaf lions, gratitude flowers and learnt about making sculptures.

Adam made a really interesting sculpture that looks a bit like a wind turbine, and Ishe and Bhavin worked co-cooperatively together to create this great tower.


P-2 celebrate NAIDOC Week 

In celebration of NAIDOC Week this year, the P-2's have been learning about the history and culture of Indigenous people, listening to many dream time stories, and creating some wonderful art pieces. Below you will see the Prep's busy creating boomerangs using the famous Indigenous technique of dot painting.  


Year 1/2 Towers

We had a contest to see which group could build the tallest and most stable tower. Each group used different materials. The most stable tower was built by the group who used big Lego. Roman