Year 7

Zoo Excursion

The Year 7s went to Melbourne Zoo on Friday 1 November as part of their Biology component: classification. Students made their way around the Zoo looking at the different sections including reptiles, birds, aquatic life, Australian wildlife and others. Students were given an assessment booklet to complete during the excursion.

Students were encouraged to attend a Zoo Keeper presentation. The Year 7s had a great day! A big thank you to Mrs Jacinta Devlin (Learning Leader: Science) who organised a wonderful day of learning. Thanks also to Mrs Lucia Liberatore, Mrs Fiona Vella, Miss Silvana Luongo, Mrs Allison Wilding, Mrs Barbara Corstorphan, Mrs Pauline McClelland and Mrs Sanjini Chandra who accompanied the year level to the Zoo.


BSLS Disco

On Tuesday 29 October the annual BSLS disco was held in the Atrium! Many Year 7s and 10s enjoyed the night filled with dancing, neon light, snacks, drinks, group dances, a professional DJ and even a fun photo booth!


The theme was ‘Neon and/or White’ and many came up dressed in crazy neon and bright white colours! There was an amazing turnout and we thank everyone that came and hope they enjoyed the event.

Ms Wallace and I would like to thank all the teachers who gave up their time to supervise on the night. Some teachers even danced and showed off their skills as well!


A special thank you to Ms Stephanie Smyth, Mrs Ashleigh Patogiannis and Mr Matthew Graham, who assisted in planning the event every step of the way.


Sick Bay Reminders

In the event that a student feel unwell, they are reminded to ask the teacher if they can go to sickbay. Their diary will be signed and the sickbay attendee will assess whether parents need to be contacted. We ask students not to call parents directly to pick them up.


Leah Cristiano

Level Leader: Year 7