Student Wellbeing

We have been here before….

In these very challenging times it is important that we remind ourselves that there is no me in TEAM and that together we protect others as well as ourselves.


From a wellbeing perspective, it is important that if students are not feeling well or they are anxious and worried about anything that they reach out to either their homeroom/mentor teacher or Year Level Leader who will be able to support them or find other supports such as counselling.


We would also encourage all of our parents to make contact with either your child’s Homeroom/Mentor teacher or Year Level Leader if you are concerned about how they may be travelling during these times.


The sooner we are made aware of a student who needs extra support the sooner we can intervene to provide that support. 


During this Remote Learning time any Year 7-12 student who finds that it is more appropriate for them and their learning to come onsite can request to do so by contacting their homeroom or Year Level Leader to facilitate this process.


To use a saying that has been used a lot in the last 18 months – WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER – as the road ahead has become more challenging together we can work our way through to the other side and hopefully be back to being onsite as soon as possible.


Uniform Reminders

In preparation of a return to onsite learning we remind all students of some of the non negotiable aspects of our uniform policy. These include:

  • That the school blazer should be the most outer garment
  • That wearing the PE uniform on a day that Health and PE is not timetabled is not acceptable
  • Wearing hoodies is not acceptable
  • The school tie is not an optional item and must be worn with the winter uniform
  • Hair colour must be a natural hair colour
  • Artificial Nails are unacceptable
  • Facial Piercings and extra earrings in ears are not acceptable under our uniform policy

We remind all students and families that students who arrive at school in uniform that is incorrect and it cannot be corrected will be sent home to change and if that is not possible will be removed from class until the issue can be rectified.


Any family who may need assistance with uniform items are asked to contact me at the College. 


Thank-you to all of those students who wear their uniform with pride and respect for our school and its values.


Student Representative Council Presentation

In the last week of Term 2, our Student Representative Council made two very important presentations on behalf of the school community.


Firstly, on Thursday 24 June they presented to the Stewardship Council and informed them about the work that they had been doing on student friendly versions of the Child Safety Policy .


The Student Friendly version of the Child Safety Policy was presented and it would be fair to say that the council were very impressed by the student leaders and their understanding of why Child Safety is so important.


The next day, at the end of term assembly, the student leaders then launched their work to the school community  where they explained the steps that are being taken to keep students safe at school.


They also presented to the cohort the specific areas that they will continue to work on over the course of Semester 2, which includes:

  • Launching the Child Safety Policy to each year level at assemblies
  • Work on the Canteen and the movement towards a cashless system for the school
  • Sustainability and work with the Sustainability Group about working towards making us a carbon neutral school into the future
  • Review of School Policies
  • Develop some wellbeing initiatives that look to enhance the resilience of our community.

We look forward to continue to keep all of our community informed about the work of the Student Representative Council over the course of Semester 2.


Parent Involvement in our Child Safety Committee

At the end of Term 2, an invitation was sent to all families about joining our Child Safety Committee. This invitation was sent via SEQTA and thank-you to the 16 parents who offered to be involved and assist the school in our Child Safety Standards.

Over the next couple of weeks, when we return to school, we will be able to facilitate our first meeting with parents.


NCCD attachment in this edition of the Marian

Please find attached to this edition of the Marian information in relation to the process for collection of data involving students who may have had an adjustment made to their learning program in keeping with Government guidelines. We will also send this information out via Operoo to all of our families. If you have any concerns or questions please direct them to either Tracey Deguara – Head of Learning Diversity or myself.


Wellbeing Tip for us all

During these times, it is important that all of our students, staff and parents have brain breaks, go for a walk, and play with their pets or just doing something to break up the day.  We need to all look after ourselves so we can look after each other.


Sudanese & Vietnamese Parent Evening - Thursday 22 July have been postponed

Due to the current Covid restrictions these events have been postponed. Further information will be communicated once a new date has been scheduled.



Kerrie Williams 

Assistant to the Principal - Student Wellbeing