Middle School


Head of Middle School





Middle School is once again, filled with the buzz of students in the classrooms, happy to be back with their friends and in their classes. There is no doubt that learning in an actual classroom with other students and a teacher is the preferred approach to education, however, it needs to be said that the hard work and dedication of the Middle School teachers meant the transition to remote learning and back was seamless. The model developed from our experience last year, provided our students with a learning continuum during the recent lockdown supported by outstanding Pastoral care of each, and every, student. Resilience is an often-used word but if anything good is to come from this experience, it is the development of this key character trait in our students.

It is indeed wonderful to have them all back and I would like to thank all our teachers, learning assistants and non-teaching staff, for the work they did, and continue to do, with students. The School is warmer and more alive when its users are in residence. 




Year 8 and 9 Coordinator 





Years 8 and 9

During the recent period of remote learning, our Year 8 and 9 students were given a challenge to complete, Operation Pillow Fort. This allowed students to demonstrate their creativity and get them to use whatever they could find to build the best pillow fort their young minds could imagine. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all students who competed in this event; in my mind, you are all winners!


Nonetheless, there can only be one fort to take the Grand Prize of a $25 “OG Eats Food & Drink Voucher”. Thanks to the votes cast by the Home Group and Executive staff. I would like to congratulate Jeeya Fanda, as she is our Pillow Fort Champion! In addition, our runners up awards go to Megan Sheer, and Emmanuel and Konstantinos Lazos, who will receive Pop Vinyl figures.

The start of Term 3 has been eventful. The first week was full of excitement, energy and an eagerness to be back onsite with friends, and making the most of the opportunities available here at OG. Although this was short-lived due to the recent lockdown, our students demonstrated their resilience, taking it in their stride and transitioning to remote learning without missing a beat. With their arrival back onsite last week, the same energy they displayed in their first week back was still there. I am hoping this level of positivity will continue for the remainder of the term.



Year 6 and 7 Coordinator





Years 6 and 7

The visual on this page is something shared with students during the last lockdown. What I like about this image is it shows that our path as people and learners is not always linear but it can provide us with the opportunity to grow. The strength and courage of our Year 6 and 7 students should be, not only recognised but also acknowledged for their determination to continue to persist through the challenges they have faced this year.

Our Pastoral teams have been working through and discussing the results of the Resilient Youth Survey with their Home Groups. The intended outcome is to come up with strategies to help students find a solution to some of the challenges they have faced. 

We have commenced preparation for the Year 6 camp, scheduled for later this month. This will certainly give students the opportunity to bond with each other and their Home Group teachers. Students are strongly encouraged to attend the camp and participate in the wide range of experiences and skill development it offers.  

As well as continuing to work on their Community Service projects, Year 7 will look at the various factors that can influence their teenage years. The first session run by our School Counsellor, Fiona Baudinette, investigated the Developing Teenage Brain

In a year where activities have been reduced or postponed several times, it is important to encourage all our students to take part in the various competitions and extracurricular activities available including the ICAS Science and Maths Competitions and the BYZANFEST International Film Festival.