45SK - Around the Traps 

Bridget Smith/Michael Kearton


The children enjoyed participating in the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program this week where they had fun making their own Rice Paper Rolls. They were able to use a range of different herbs from our school garden and also picked some small flowers to garnish their yummy dish. 

 In preparation for book week this week, the children have enjoyed some activities around some of the shortlisted books. We look forward to seeing all the children celebrating Book Week in their costumes on Friday. Note, there is the option to come to school dressed for a bedtime story. 



The children made posters of their all-time favourite books to put on display in preparation for our Book Week celebration. As a class, we read the shortlisted picture book - Busy Beaks by Sarah Allen - and created our own replica of the picture storybook focussing on including carefully chosen words and literary devices.


In writing, the children have begun their body paragraphs for their information texts. They are working really hard on producing some amazing writing to share with you all. 



The work on Number & Algebra has continued this week. The children in Mrs Bridget’s maths groups have been learning about thousandths and how to convert numbers with thousandths into fractions. Eg, 0. 089     is    89 / 1000. Most children have a fairly good grasp on the concept now and will be moving on to a new topic Thursday.


Life Relationships

The children revisited the reproductive organs this week, testing out the knowledge that they have learnt over the past few weeks by labelling the reproductive organs of the biologically female and male bodies.