Primary Math Reflection
In Year 1...
Year 1s have been exploring Place Value in Term Four whilst attending onsite during home learning and enjoyed using flip charts and mini whiteboards to expand the value of 3 digit numbers.
In Year 2...
The Year 2 students have been exploring 2D shapes and 3D objects this term during Maths. They enjoyed making shapes using their bodies and exploring the meaning of prefixes in geometry. Students also took great delight in participating in a visualising activity using a touchy – feely – object box.
In Year 4...
Year 4 students were engaged in hands- on-activities when exploring the concepts of Perimeter in Maths. Students enjoyed the dice warm ups where they rolled 3 dice and challenged a partner to see who could total the 3 numbers first.
Students applied their knowledge of calculating the area and perimeter of shapes to create key words that demonstrate leadership. Students worked individually to create a word relating to leadership and calculated the area and perimeter of each letter.
In Year 6...
During Remote Learning, Year 6 students investigated the circumference of a circle in Maths.
During SEL, they created their own circle with a given circumference and included a positive quote or uplifting message. Teachers then uploaded each of the messages to create a short video to cheer up students during lockdown.