Year 12

The class of 2021 may have faced more challenges in their final years of school, compared to other years. But you persevered. You made it through in spite of the challenges. You prioritised your goals and continued charting a path toward success. As students complete their final exams this week, we remind them that talent and opportunity can only take them so far in life. It’s the other qualities of passion, resilience, commitment, determination and shear hard work that will take them the rest of the way to achieve their dreams. 


Your time at school, has been what grows you into the person you are. The first day of school, to the last and the experiences and people along the journey are a major part of our life. Your final years have been proof enough that you are strong and you are resilient. You are capable of so much and can roll with the punches and thrive. 

Continue to challenge yourself and surround yourself with people who will uplift and support you; people who encourage you to learn more, do more and be more. People who bring out the best version of yourself.


We were glad to have been able to welcome back the year 12's to onsite learning at the start of this term. The year 12's chose to celebrate their final week of formal classes with dress up themes. Although we did not have the opportunity to celebrate their achievements in person for the valedictory, we are glad we have had the opportunity to recognise their achievements with the certificate presentation at school and the virtual valedictory evening. 


Congratulations on your accomplishments! We are proud to have been part of your journey. Thank you for all you’ve done to enrich our school, and well done on all that you have achieved. We wish you all the very best in all your future endeavours. Congratulations class of 2021!