Performing Arts Update

Dear Parents/carers and students


Wow everyone we did it, our production of Moana Jr was filmed during lockdown and edited by our 5/6 Tech Team children upon returning to school. 


It was a big group effort and I hope everyone has managed to watch the movie which was shared by Ms Nagel on Dojo last week! Here it is again just in case you missed it.


During lockdown learning the children accross all levels were invited to make a Diorama of a scene that they are in for Moana Jr.

Here are just a few examples of some of the creative and inventive Diorama's made by some of our students. Next week I will be holding an exhibition of all the Diorama's, so if your child started one during lockdown learning, they can complete it over the weekend and bring it to me on Monday morning to be included in the exhibition! I will share more pictures on Dojo next week!


Ms Victoria Gelberg

Perfroming Arts Teacher