Weekly Wellbeing 


“We make good choices. We take ownership of our actions. We do our best and aim high. We have a positive mindset. We make sure we are safe online. We challenge ourselves.” 

This week, as I continued to reflect on the CHPS values, I thought about responsibility. Responsibility is an important value to have. We all have responsibilities, and those responsibilities only grow and get more important as we get older. We are all responsible for our learning, our behaviour, our relationships, how we care for our bodies, and our own safety. Responsibility takes all different shapes and forms, and it shapes our behaviour. Responsibility is ultimately how we take ownership of our lives. 

We are responsible for a lot, and each of the other CHPS values either requires or strengthens responsibility in some way. To really care for someone, we take on all the responsibilities of being a caring and thoughtful support person. Integrity shows we are being responsible and owning up to the truth of what we have done. As we intentionally work on our resilience, we are being responsible for our own learning and wellbeing. It is our responsibility as a good friend and community member to be respectful of others. Responsibility is involved with all the values. I might even go as far to say, responsibility is the most important CHPS value.  Without responsibility, the other values couldn’t turn into character traits, they wouldn’t work well at all. 

Below are some videos to get thinking about responsibility with your children or students: 


Responsibility for Kids: I am Responsible for Me


Rings of Responsibility


Kid President's Pep Talk to Teachers and Students!

Cheyenne Mason, on behalf of the Wellbeing Team