Principal's Message
You could feel the excitement in the air as each year level returned to school over the past week. Our Prep children, and indeed every level, have done an amazing job in settling back into their class routines. It was a true blessing watching the happiness on the childrens’ faces as they caught that first glimpse of their friends and hearing the laughter and the chatter was pure joy to the ears of all the teachers, much better than the silent rooms and playgrounds we have been surrounded by over the past months.
The profession of being a teacher is one that requires passion, commitment and dedication, qualities that the SMDP Staff have in abundance.
Over the past few months, each of them has worked tirelessly to keep your child engaged and growing in their learning. You may not have seen them every day or all day on your child's screen but many hours have been put into providing a comprehensive Remote and Flexible Learning program. It is over the past week, with the return of their children, that our teachers have been reminded of why they became a teacher in the first place, to be with children, to guide their learning and to ignite a passion for learning.
I am sure that on your behalf I can thank each of them for all they do and will continue to do, and on their behalf, I can also thank you for the trust you place in us and for your ongoing support and cooperation, when we work together we can achieve amazing things. Our message at SMDP is that we want every student to feel happy, feel safe and love to learn in a community where they feel connected and valued.
Last week, we celebrated this message as a school community when we recognised our patron saint, St Martin de Porres. Our students were reminded that compassion for each other, treating each other equally, and being able to forgive, in our school, is what we are all about.
Over the coming weeks we will continue to communicate with all families the ways in which we will celebrate our school events such as onsite camps, swimming program, Year 6 Graduation/Confirmation, Advent, Christmas Carols and our Prep Orientation Program.
Some of these will be the same, some will look different and unfortunately some will not be happening.
We will continue to keep you updated and informed. Every decision will be based around keeping our students, staff and community safe.
Thank you to all the families who completed the MACSISS survey your names were added to the draw for some great prizes. Below is a list of our prize winners:
- $100 Coles Myer voucher - MADDULAFamily
- A day at the Melbourne, Werribee or Healesville Zoo for 2 adults 2 children - ZORNOSA Family
- $50 village movie voucher - McWATERSFamily
The vouchers will be sent home with your child on Monday 15th November 2021.
Have a safe and happy weekend.
Dan Ryan
Deputy Principal
St Martin de Porres Primary School is committed to creating an environment where the safety, wellbeing, and participation of all children within our care is paramount.
2021 School Closure Days
Listed below are our school closure days for 2021. These are student free days. Staff use these days to further develop their learning and keep informed with current practice and procedures.
- Friday 3rd December - Planning 2022
NOTE: These dates may be subject to change that may be out of our control.