
Jean Yeates Writing Prize 2023

The prompt for this year’s Jean Yeates Writing Prize is:

‘…the last wave…’ 

Your entry must address and explore this prompt in either short story, poem, or in creative non-fiction prose form. Creative non-fiction prose could be a text such as a personal narrative essay or a lyrical essay. 


See The Jean Yeates Writing Prize page on our Friends’ Writing Prizes Site for more details. Entries close last day of Term 2, Friday 7 July - 4pm

Elevate Education

Wednesday 7 June - 6.30pm

Elevate Education works with our students, delivering high impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing, and exam preparation. By tuning into their webinar series you will learn how you can help better support your children at home through reinforcing the skills they learn at school.


In this webinar, we will be discussing How to Help Your Child Prepare for Exams

  • High Priority Work: The kinds of work students should be focusing on in the build-up to exams to maximise marks
  • Time Management: How to ensure your child has enough time to prepare for their exams
  • Practice Papers: How to prepare effectively using past questions and practice papers

Click here to register for free

National Reconciliation Week

27 May to 3 June

This week Clemes have been observing Reconciliation Week. Students have been encouraged to reflect on how we can support reconciliation and celebrate the achievements, culture and histories. The funds raised throughout the week will be donated to NITA to support their community and wider education programs.


Learn more about National Reconciliation Week.

Outdoor Education - Mountain Bike Weekend

Friday 2 June

Students electing to participate in the OEX program will travel up to Derby on Friday afternoon and spend the weekend exploring the trails in the area and refining mountain bike techniques.  Please ensure your child's operoo profile is up to date and direct any queries to Michael Francis.

National Youth Science Forum

Are you a Year 11 student passionate about science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM)? Do you want to meet like-minded young people from across Australia? Do you want to learn more about your study and career options? Look no further than the 2024 National Youth Science Forum Year 12 Program! 


Applications are open now: 

Further details can be seen in this short video

Careers & Pathways

The latest edition of the Careers & Pathways Newsletter Vol 8 is now available. Features include: 

  • School Recommendation Program UTAS
  • Early Entry - Australian Universities
  • Tertiary Music Preparation Workshop
  • UTAS School Leavers Expo
  • UNSW Portfolio entry
  • Home Affairs Gap Year
  • Co-op Scholarship Opportunities
  • Study Work Grow Membership
  • Thinking about an apprenticeship?

Early Entry

Year 12 students recently had an opportunity to hear about the UTas Schools Recommendation Program. There are 43 universities in Australia all with different requirements for early entry; this guide provides a breakdown of the process and key dates for each university. If you would like to know more about a specific university and their early entry process, please make an appointment with Trish or Pete using this form

Push Up Challenge

The Push Up Challenge is an initiative of the Push for Better Foundation and is Australia’s largest mental health and fitness initiative. This year our Clemes Council Wellbeing Reps are encouraging participants to perform 3,144 pushups over 23 days in July. If you don’t like pushups, you can do squats, situps or some other exercise. 


Each day, participants are given a target number of exercises related to an Australian mental health statistic. 


Contact your tutor rep, James or Hayley to sign up!

Years 11 & 12 Course Information Evening - Wednesday 14th June 7pm

Further information and links will be available closer to the date.


Our updated online Years 11 & 12 Course Book for 2024 will be ready for circulation later this month.  It will contain useful information about each program and the extensive range of courses that we offer.  This year it is important to note that there are a number of TCE courses that are changing due to course accreditation and these will be reflected in the new version of the Years 11 & 12 Course Book.

Leavers’ Dinner Invitation Competition

The Year 12 Reps are currently calling for entries for the Leavers’ Dinner Invitation competition. All current Year 12 students are welcome to enter, and the winner receives a free ticket to the Leavers’ Dinner, to be held on the 22nd of September. This year’s theme is Starry Night. For the entry to be eligible it must meet the requirements below:


- 210mm x 100mm (orientation can be portrait or landscape)

- 3mm bleed 

- Any images need to be over 500kb 

- Ideally if this could be done in the Adobe InDesign application that would be preferable


Please submit your invitations to Kate Baldry before 4pm on the 9th of June. Late submissions will not be accepted. 

TCE Extensions

Please be aware that there is a formal extension process for extensions on moderate or major tasks. Ensure you get the form from outside the office and follow the process. Extension requests must be submitted at least 24 hours before the deadline. Do not leave tasks to the last minute; if you need help planning your time please speak to your teacher, your tutor, Amy or Jane for support. Managing competing deadlines is a very important skill to learn and one that we are very happy to support you with.

Important Dates 

Term 2 

Wednesday 26 April - Friday 7 July

Thursday 8 June - Year 11 - 12 Pathways Evening

Monday 12 June - King’s Birthday

Wednesday 14  June - Year 11 - 12 Subject Selection Information Session

Wednesday 21 June - Subject Reports emailed 

Wednesday 28 June - Learning Conferences


Term 3

Tuesday 25 July - 29 September September

Friday 22 September - Year 12 Leavers' Dinner

Tuesday 24 October - Friday 10 November - IBDP Exams

Tuesday 7 - Friday 17 November - TCE exams

Clemes – Years 11 & 12 Office

Phone 6210 2255

8am – 4pm Monday – Friday