High School

Careers & Pathways

The latest edition of the Careers & Pathways Newsletter Vol 8 is now available. Features include: 

  • School Recommendation Program UTAS
  • Early Entry - Australian Universities
  • Tertiary Music Preparation Workshop
  • UTAS School Leavers Expo
  • UNSW Portfolio entry
  • Home Affairs Gap Year
  • Co-op Scholarship Opportunities
  • Study Work Grow Membership
  • Thinking about an apprenticeship?

7-12 Cross Country Carnival

Friday 9 June- Bell Street Sports Grounds

The Years 7-12 Cross Country Carnival has been rescheduled to be held on Friday, 9 June. Periods 1 to 3 are normal classes with a recess break at 10.40am. At the end of period 3 students will move to tutor groups and will leave the School at 12.15pm to walk to the Bell Street sports grounds. 


Students are to make their own arrangements to travel home at the conclusion of the cross-country presentation at 3.30pm. Students needing to link up with buses to outlying areas can either catch our commuter buses back to school at 3.30pm or make their own arrangements. Further information can viewed using the following link. For more information contact John White.

Year 7 Connections - Mountain Day

Dates are:

  • June 7 - Backhouse
  • June 8 - Mott
  • June 9 - Penn
  • June 14 - Fry
  • June 15 - Oats
  • June 16 - Walker

Week 7 and 8 will see connections classes heading up kunanyi/Mount Wellington for the day.  Students will complete an introductory ride along the pipeline track and the walk up to Wellington Falls.  Students may bring their own bike though it must be in good mechanical order.   Please ensure your child’s operoo profile is up to date and contact Michael Francis on with any further questions.

Let Your Life Speak Days (Year 8 Connections)

Wednesday 7 June and Thursday 8 June

Year 8 students will be participating in their Let Your Life Speak Connections Days. These days aim to encourage students to extend themselves out of their comfort zone, form new connections, gain new skills and enhance their understanding of how the brain works to further develop their study skills.


Students will immerse themselves in peer-led and teacher-led activities, ranging from memory skills to cooking classes to mindfulness sessions. These sessions strongly align with our focus to promote ‘the academic, cultural, physical, social, emotional and spiritual development of each person in our care.’


For more information contact Liesa Winkler

High School Art Exhibition

Family and friends are invited to view an exhibition of High School artwork on display in The Farrall Centre. The exhibition will run until Tuesday 13 June and will be open to visitors during school hours. Please sign in at the Clemes or Morris reception.




Important Dates 

Term 2 

Wednesday 26 April - Friday 7 July 2023

Monday 12 June – King’s Birthday

High School – Years 7 to 10 Office

6210 2235  |  hsoffice@friends.tas.edu.au

8am – 4pm Monday – Friday