Scotsburn News 

Important Dates

Whole School AssemblyFriday 26th May
Report Writing Day (student free day)Thursday 1st June
Scotsburn AssemblyFriday 2nd June
Scotsburn Parent DinnerThursday 8th June
King’s Birthday (student free day)Monday 12th June
Scotsburn AssemblyFriday 16th June
VSSS Rehearsal DayFriday 16th June
School Reports available on CompassFriday 16th June
Parent Teacher Interviews

Wednesday 21st June

Thursday 22nd June

Whole School AssemblyFriday 23rd June

Scotsburn Kitchen Official Opening

Last Friday was a fantastic celebration for our Kitchen Grand Opening. We welcomed Ian Corcoran and Debbie Rybicki from the Community Bank Buninyong along with Michael Anderson our joiner, to commemorate the occasion. The Community Bank Buninyong has been an integral part of the project, providing essential funds to get the project off the ground. It was wonderful to hear Ian speak and interact with the students, as well as some of our students talk about what the new kitchen means to them. 


A big thank you to members of our parent community who were in attendance. It was another lovely community event.

Autumn Leaves and Teamwork

With the Autumn leaves fallen around us, it is nice to see students working together and having fun cooperatively in the yard. It is beautiful when there is such happiness as a whole campus at Scotsburn, and even if students have small disputes with each other in the yard, we can alway come back together like this. 


Have a look at the video below from the same time last year. So much fun!

Whole School Review - Scotsburn Parent Focus Group

As you may be aware, Buninyong Primary School is currently in the process of undertaking a whole school review. These occur once every 4 years, and are an important aspect of ensuring that we are delivering the highest quality teaching and learning experience possible. 


A very important aspect of the review process is for our reviewers (external to the school) to gain vital feedback from our parent community. The Scotsburn parent focus group is planned for next Monday (29th May), at 9am at Scotsburn, in the old buildingIt is extremely important that the review includes feedback and perspective from the Scotsburn Community, so we would love as many parents in attendance as possible. 


Anyone who can attend will be extremely appreciated, as we continue to build on all of the wonderful things happening at Scotsburn. We expect that the catch up will only last approximately 30 minutes.

Friday Whole School Assembly

This Friday, we have a Whole School Assembly at the Buninyong campus. We will start the day at Buninyong, meeting at the courtyard at 8.45am. We will be required to be down to the gym right on 9am, so please do your best to have students dropped off prior to this.


After assembly, we will do our usual Buninyong routine including visiting the library, and then bus back up to Scotsburn after recess. We will finish the day with normal pick up and bus arrangements at Scostburn.


Any questions, please have a chat to your child’s teacher prior to Friday.

Scotsburn Parent Social Dinner

This term, Buninyong Primary School have organised some Social Dinners for parents in conjunction with Red Door Pizza. This will be an opportunity for parents to meet or catch up with other families from your child’s year levels for a fun night in a relaxed environment. 



  • Scotsburn - Thursday 8 June 

We would love as many Scotsburn parents to be in attendance as possible, for a fun, relaxing and yummy catch up!


Please look out on your Compass portal for an “Insight” survey, click on this to RSVP.  This will close on Monday at 12pm in the week of your dinner.

Please note that food and drinks are at menu prices and that this is for adults only. 

Thanks everyone, we hope that you can make it!

Breakfast Club

Our Thursday morning breakfast clubs have continued to be a hit, with lots of students coming in for some breakfast and a warm drink. With the program going so well, we are looking to extend to a second day in the next month or so. Thanks again to our parent volunteers, as this is a very valuable and worthwhile program, and we couldn’t do it without you. 


If you are interested in coming in to volunteer to help, feel free to pop in at 8.40am on any Thursday morning you like!

SC1 Learning Snapshot


SC1 has enjoyed another week exploring lots of new learning as well as embedding already explored content. There has been lots of assessment happening in the classroom, ready for report writing to take place next week. 


In Reading, we have had two major focuses. One focus has been, segmenting and blending words to support the decoding of words, and the other, retelling the story. During home reading it would be wonderful to ask your child to re-tell the story in a sequential order. 


In Writing, our major focus has been on Procedural Writing. This has included instructions around ‘How to Make Fairy Bread’ and ‘How to Create a Slug Puppet’. A big focus has been on the steps being placed in sequential order. We will complete this cycle of writing by the end of the week. 


In Maths, addition has been our focus. We have been looking at 2 numbers that make 10 or 100 ‘friends of 10/100’. We have also focussed on worded sums ‘Kate had 7 books and she bought 5 more. How many does she have now? Your child would love to share some of these with you we are sure! 


Keep warm and have a great week.



Ana and Kirsty

SC2 Learning Snapshot

SC2 has had a busy week completing some assessments as well as undertaking some new learning. It has been really pleasing to see students in great routine with their daily Gratitude Journals as well as their engagement during Respectful Relationships lessons. These sessions form a very important part of our learning journey, developing many great personal skills.


We have had lots of students receive many Dojo points for displaying great learning behaviours this week, with some ready to dive into the prize box. How exciting!

Keep up the great work everyone,



SC3 Learning Snapshot

Over the last week, there has been lots happening for SC3 both in and out of the classroom. On top of assisting with the organisation of our Mothers’ Day Afternoon Tea and Kitchen Grand Opening, SC3 students have been steadily completing some important assessments along with immersing themselves in some new learning.


Last Tuesday we were extremely lucky to have a visit and talk from Ava’s father Nam, about his family's experiences coming to Australia from Vietnam. The connections and real-life experiences that students were able to make with our studies on the text “The Happiest Refugee” were incredible. We thank Nam greatly for his time and will hopefully be able to have him back in the future for a question and answer session. 


In Mathematics, students have begun a new Number unit, looking specifically at multiplication strategies and application in the real world. Students' pre-test results were very pleasing and have set us up for a very productive unit of work. 

Bluelight DASH! Program Parent Information Session

This Thursday afternoon, SC3 has an important Blue Light DASH! Parent information session. The session will begin at 3:30pm, straight after school in SC3 and should only last 30 minutes. This important session allows the DASH! Facilitators to introduce the program to parents and detain the aims and experiences for the students. It would be wonderful if as many parents could be in attendance as possible!


Have another wonderful weekend everyone,




Scotsburn Intercampus Travel

At times, Scotsburn students will be transported between campuses in order to attend classes, assemblies, special days and events. On most occasions, transport required through the day will be by bus and occasionally private car for smaller groups of students. Parents may be asked to drop off or collect from the Buninyong campus if sessions are at the beginning or ending of a day.


We will always let you know of any upcoming travel arrangements via our newsletter, Compass, or via phone for smaller, more specific travel arrangements. 


If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding intercampus travel, please contact your child’s teacher.

Staff Contacts

Mr Morgan:

Mrs Anderson:

Mr Walsh:

Mrs Robinson:

Mrs Morgan:

Ms Middlin:


The Scotsburn Team