From the Wellbeing Leader

Jessica Robinson

Chapel and Assembly

Families are welcome to come along to the Church for Chapel on Wednesday mornings from 9am and to the hall for Assemblies on Friday mornings from 9am. Chapel and Assemblies will continue to be livestreamed on our closed group on Facebook each week.

Wednesday Chapel

This term our Chapels are focusing on The Gospel Spreads with Records in the Bible of people who tell others about Jesus. Thank you to Mr Mayer for leading us this morning with The Ascension

The hosts for Term 2 Chapels are:

Week 4 (24/5) Seniors, Pentecost

Week 5 (31/5) Pastor Matt, The First Church

Week 6 (7/6) 4 Coleman, Cornelius become a Christian

Week 7 (14/6) 1 Huxtable, The Antioch Church

Week 8 (21/6) Mrs Cameron, Lydia becomes a Christian

Week 9 (28/6) Pastor Matt, Closing Chapel, Priscilla and Aquila

Friday Assembly

The Following Classes will be hosting Assembly this term:

Week 3 (19/5) 3 Brokate

Week 4 (26/5) 2 Jeffery/ Ashmead

Week 5 (2/6) Connect Group

Week 6 (9/6) Reception Gracey

Week 7 (16/6) No Assembly

Week 8 (23/6) Performing Arts

Week 9 (30/6) No Assembly

National Volunteers Week

This week is National Volunteers Week. We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all of the wonderful people who volunteer their time to support our school community. Last week we had volunteers for our Mother’s Day Stall and our Discos, we also have our Class Carers working behind the scenes and helpers ready for Year 4 Camp this week just to mention a few. Your contribution, time and energy is appreciated. We are very grateful to all the people that help to make these events possible for our children. Thank you from the St Paul School Community. 

School volunteers

If you wish to be a volunteer at St Paul Lutheran, you can speak with our admin team and a pack can be emailed or sent home with your child. All volunteers require a valid WWCC clearance and need to complete the Valuing Safe Communities training. If you have any questions, please contact Jess Robinson