From the Principal

Leila Mattner 

St Paul Website

Deputy Principal, Jason Fay, has recently mentioned our new partnership with Lustosa Marketing. Lustosa are assisting us with social media and some new publications. You may have heard from your child late last term about the excitement of a film crew being onsite for a day. The drone was very popular at break times! We are very excited to launch the product of this day on the home page of 


This video captures the essence of what it means to be a part of the St Paul community and will assist any families wanting to know more about our unique school. Parts of the video will also be used to create short snippets for social media and promote school tours. If you know of anyone who is interested in learning more about our wonderful community, this video will be a great place to direct them. 


Representing the School

Over the last few weeks we have had a number of children represent the school at SAPSASA events. This is an important experience for any child as they take pride in competing against other schools. Netball and Basketball are also currently coming in the midst of their semester long seasons. We are thankful to parents and friends who volunteer their time to ensure that our sport program provides these opportunities. It is critical that this time and effort from volunteers is supported by the whole community. It is easy to fill out a nomination form and agree to a code of conduct, but following through with the commitment isn’t always so easy.

If you and your child have made the commitment to represent the school on the sports field, this is about much more than participating in the game. Showing up on time, communicating with coaches regarding availability and respecting coaches during the game are non-negotiables. If we cannot rely on this level of commitment it makes it very difficult to find coaches and field teams. Please support our volunteers!


Each child and family comes to school sport looking for something different. It could be a chance to try something new, make new friends, develop new skills etc. Every reason is valid, and every reason is deeply personal. Please remember that our values are on display at your child’s training and game. 


Volunteers Week 

Speaking of volunteers….Happy Volunteers Week! It could be volunteering on the Mother’s Day stall, at disco, coaching our sports teams, assisting on an excursion, losing sleep on camp, offering classroom support or taking on the very important role of class carer. So many of these events, roles and activities would not happen without the dedication of our incredible volunteers. Thank you to you all. You truly are one of the very special aspects this amazing school community!