Library News

School Library Book Fund Donations 2023



Templestowe Park Primary School Library and Resource Centre is a vital part of our school, providing our students with a range of rich resources and books to foster a love of reading and to stimulate inquiring minds.


We are inviting families to support our school by donating to the library fund.  The School Council provides a generous amount for the library budget each year; however, the cost of library resources is continually increasing. Donations to the library accelerate the renewal and upgrade of our library and offer the students valuable new books and resources. 


Our library collection is a carefully curated resource in line with the school curriculum and balanced across the year levels. With this in mind, we have found it more efficient to have the students choose and donate books from a selection of books that the school has purchased and processed. 


Once we have processed your monetary donation, your child will have an opportunity to choose a book that they would like to donate. Each book will have a certificate with the name of the student or family making the donation placed inside the front cover. Your child will be the first to borrow that book for two weeks to take home for the family to read and enjoy together. 


If you would like to donate a book or books to our school library, please print off and complete the attached form; and return it in an envelope together with your donation to the school office or classroom teacher.  Please mark the envelope ‘School Library Fund Donation’


We wish to remind you that any donations to the School Library are tax deductible, and the school will issue a tax receipt within this financial year. 


Thank you 

Lindsay Burrows



School Library Book Fund Donations 2023


CHILD’S NAME __________________________________________________  

GRADE ________


Name for the tax receipt: ___________________________________________________


We would like to donate books to the value of $_________________ to the Templestowe Park Primary School Library Fund.


Payment Options (Please tick which one you are using)

       Cash 

       Cheque – please make out to Templestowe Park Primary School

       EFTPOS – please visit the school office between 8:30am and 4:00pm

       Credit Card (Visa or MasterCard only) – please fill in details below 

Credit Card Number:  __ __ __ __    __ __ __ __    __ __ __ __    __ __ __ __

Expiry Date:  __ __/__ __               CVV: __ __ __           Amount: $_________

Name on Card: ______________________________________________

Signature:        ______________________________________________




Lindsay Burrows

Library Technician