Principals' Message
Hello Parents and Friends,
It has been a fantastic fortnight of learning and special events at Templestowe Park. As part of whole school swimming and water safety program, our Grade 1 students travelled to Aquarena for engaging lessons on how to remain safe around water. This included swimming technique lessons, instructions on how to stay safe in the water and how to exit a pool if you are in difficulty. As part of our schoolwide sustainability program, our Grade 2/3 participated in an incursion with Manningham Council about the brand-new Food Organics, Garden Organics (FOGO) bins that are being introduced to households. Our Grade 4 students were provided a unique opportunity to connect with our natural environment, encounter local wildlife and participate in sustainability activities via their Manningham Council subsidised excursion to Currawong Bush Park. Our Grade 6 Debating teams competed in the Regional Debating Day held here at Templestowe Park last Friday. Read more about it in the Learning @ TPPS section of the newsletter. Our Prep students had an exciting Cultural Explosion incursion as they learn about what makes families special and unique. Some very talented Grade 6 mathematicians participated in the ‘All Tangled Up’ online Maths workshop run by the Monash Tech School. All students participated in our RRPO cross age mentoring program where we reflected on our Term 2 Positive Education focus on Gratitude and Positive Emotions. Each student decorated a brick with what they are grateful for at TPPS. This will make up our great wall of gratitude display. This is only some of the rich and empowering learning experiences undertaken at school over the last fortnight. We are such a vibrant learning community! We are all so grateful to be a part of it.
Parent Teacher Interviews and Student Reports
Please keep free, if possible, the evening of Thursday June 22nd or after school on Tuesday June 20th (3.40 om – 4.30 pm) for Parent Teacher Interviews. Meetings during these times will occur onsite. The mid-year student reports will be available on Compass for download on Friday June 16th so there will be an opportunity to formally meet with your child’s teacher to discuss student progress the following week. Again, bookings for interviews will be made on Compass so please be on the lookout for more information in the near future about when bookings can commence.
Working Together - Student Wellbeing
As you are all aware, student wellbeing is the greatest focus of our school. Our RRIPO values and Positive Education program underpin everything we do as a school and we are continually looking at ways that we can support our students to be their best. We consistently review our wellbeing initiatives and track how they are going. One way we do this is through our Student Attitudes to School (Grades 4-6) and Parent surveys. We are pleased that our results are above similar schools in all areas in both surveys. This includes the following key student wellbeing areas:
- Not experiencing bullying
- Managing bullying
- Respect for diversity
- Advocate at school
- Promoting positive behaviour
One of the main reasons for these strong wellbeing results is the relationships we build with our students and families. Does this mean that bullying, teasing or disrespectful behaviour does not occur at TPPS? The answer is simply no.
One of the most important things parents can do when their child expresses that they are experiencing difficulties with their friends or peers, is to inform the classroom teacher in a timely manner. As soon as we are informed, we can respond immediately and solve issues quickly. Please do not wait a few weeks or months to inform the school.
We have made a Parent Handbook to support families in this process. It is permanently kept in the following address on Compass.
Compass: Community (two person icon) - School Documentation - School Community Information – Student Welfare – Anti-Bullying – How to respond if you believe your child is bullying or being bullied
We have also provided a link to this important document below.
Thank you for your ongoing partnership to support our students wellbeing.
New Staff Members at TPPS!
We are very pleased to inform the community of two new staff members at TPPS. As published on Compass this week, Ms Maddison Huber has commenced as the new Performing Arts teacher. Mr Greg Wearn has joined us as our new maintenance man. Greg has had a long association with TPPS as his children attended our school. As a parent, Greg contributed to many projects over the years. We are very pleased to have him back at our school. We welcome both Maddison and Greg to our school community.
Professional Learning for staff
All staff had an extremely productive day of learning last Monday on improving vocabulary in student writing. Our teachers reviewed the latest research in this area and then spent time to learn new strategies and activities they can use in the classroom.
On Tuesday and Wednesday this week, Dr Jeni Wilson (inquiry learning expert) spent two days with our teaching staff to design our new student inquiries for Term 3. Led by Dr Wilson, our teachers have been designing such powerful and exciting learning inquiries that I am sure that your children have been telling you about at home. We are so grateful to be able to work with such a well renowned expert to design the very best inquiries for our students.
2024 Prep Enrolments Now Open!
Enrolments for Prep 2024 are now open. Please call us at the office to receive an enrolment form or click here to download one online.
If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to call Katie or Brenda in the school office on 9846 2700.
The final date for Prep 2024 enrolment applications is Friday 28 July 2023.
Coats for Kids - Thank you to the PFA and School Community
Our Coats for Kids collection is now finished and we would like to say a huge thank you to our PFA and school community. We had over 100 coats and warm clothes donated over the last two weeks!
A huge thank you goes to Meghan Lusi for coordinating this collection.
Have a fantastic weekend!
Mark Roberts Brian Cleary Robyn Twyford