Principal's Report

Principal's Report
We come to another productive term with mixed feelings. Term 3 is always very significant, particularly for our senior students. This Thursday we bid farewell to our Year 12 students with a special assembly in the school hall. This is the school’s opportunity to share some positive and often amusing memories of Year 12’s time at Cowra High. I always enjoy this assembly, it is always full a joy and warm feelings. For Year 12 it is a great way to finish their final day in uniform before the pressure of the HSC exams and helps round off a week of good natured fun, with their final excursion on Friday. I know I am not speaking just for myself when I wish all Year 12 the very best for their exams. I look forward to seeing you at the Graduation Dinner afterwards.
In the last newsletter I made mention of the many practical HSC courses that had already undergone marking. I am very pleased and proud to announce that as a result of the quality of their HSC performance, Jemma Pokoney and Jemima Sullivan have both been nominated for HSC Callback for all components of their practical Dance examination. It is very rare to have one student from a school nominated for this prestige’s event, but two from a non specialist Performing Arts high school is almost unheard of. It is a great honour and reflects both the level of their talent and the high quality of the Dance tuition Mrs Buckley provides our students. Congratulations to all involved.
Year 11 have also had a busy fortnight with their end of course examinations. I know they have been working hard and I hope they all achieve the results which reflect the effort they have put into them.
Term 4 will commence on Monday 15 October. Please note there is no School Development Day on the Monday, school will operate as normal for all students.
Have a great two weeks.
Charles Gauci