Heritage Matters

Looking Back in Time: 


From the archives and Facebook pages of the Mount Erin Heritage Centre


Refurbished verandahs/ decking
Refurbished Verandahs -
Refurbished verandahs/ decking
Refurbished Verandahs -

#mterinheritagecentre #mterin #mterinboarding

This year, we will be "doing up" our boarders' room. We hope to be able to make this area of our museum a tribute to all things boarding. From the very first days in 1890 through to the present. Although we have images from most decades, we would love to display as many as possible.

Were you a boarder? What memories do you have hidden away at home that you could share with us? Here is a beautiful photo of Sister Anne Lane and her Mum Margaret Lane nee Bush. Both were boarders - Anne 1960s and Margaret 1930s

Original Placement of the Angelus Bell at Mount Erin donated in 1880
The current placement hung from and protected in the Bell Tower
Original Placement of the Angelus Bell at Mount Erin donated in 1880
The current placement hung from and protected in the Bell Tower

The Angelus Bell was donated to the sisters in 1880, by Mr. William Rudd. Initially, it stood on a wooden stand at ground level, and it rang the Angelus at 6 am, 12noon, and at 6 pm. This of course was done by hand. In the 1950s the bell was raised onto its new steel tower. Some years later, the bell itself was enclosed in a steel cage (to prevent it from being rung in the middle of the night and awakening sleeping boarders). In the 1990s, through the generosity of the late Mr. P.E. Power, it was electrified.

Today, the electrification process has been made even easier with a new digital timer installed last year by the Heritage Centre, which ensures that even when daylight saving commences and concludes, the Angelus Bell rings every day right at midday