

Growth Mindset - A person with a growth mindset believes they can improve their knowledge, skills and talents if they work hard and try new things.

Fixed Mindset - A person with a fixed mindset lacks confidence in their learning and believes they cannot improve on their current knowledge, skills and talents.


What type of Mindset do you have?

Answer  the following questions:

  • If you can’t solve a maths problem, do you give up straight away?
  • Are you constantly comparing yourself with others?
  • Are you embarrassed of making a mistake in front of your friends or family?
  • Do you dislike certain subjects at school because you feel like you’re not good at them?
  • Are you embarrassed to ask for help? 
  • If you answered no to most of these questions, you have a growth mindset!

One of the most powerful tools we can arm our children with is positive language and the power of YET. When we hear someone say that they aren't good at something or cannot do something, we need to convert their language.