Faith Matters

at St Francis Xavier School

Dear St Francis Xavier Families,


I mentioned in the last Newsletter I would share some of the faith experiences and activities occurring throughout the school during Lent.


Our Project Compassion Drive is underway and we are encouraging students to bring coins to donate to this worthy cause.  During our Ash Wednesday mass Fr Chinua's Homily explored the idea that 'fasting' can mean going without things in small ways to benefit others. I am touched at how some of our children have demonstrated their understanding of what it means to 'give up' something during Lent. Miss Terri mentioned that one of the children in her class gave up having a Zooper Dooper last week and put his 50c in the class money box - I think this is a wonderful example from such a young child.

1/2T with their collection box
1/2T with their collection box


The Year 5/6 classes have been creating Project Compassion Posters to display in classrooms and around the school to encourage support.

Liam and Stephna created Project Compassion Posters for the classrooms
Liam and Stephna created Project Compassion Posters for the classrooms
Rozi and Jo Anne are ready to display their posters around the school
Rozi and Jo Anne are ready to display their posters around the school

This Friday our Year 3/4 classes will be reflecting on their learning and experiences of Forgiveness by doing a meditative labyrinth walk.  Labyrinth walking is an ancient practice used  for spiritual centering, contemplation, and prayer. Entering the path of a labyrinth, you walk slowly while quieting your mind and focusing on a spiritual question or prayer.

The Year 2s have also been learning about how much God cares for us and how we in turn care for others. They explored the Parable of the Lost Sheep and created the art work for this great display.
The Year 2s have also been learning about how much God cares for us and how we in turn care for others. They explored the Parable of the Lost Sheep and created the art work for this great display.


The Preps have been learning how to make the sign of the cross and about why people pray.  Miss Melanie has been sharing some beautiful stories to support the children develop a greater understanding of the reasons and purpose of prayer.

Anissa, William, Emily and Patricia were delighted to show me how well they can make the sign of the cross.
Anissa, William, Emily and Patricia were delighted to show me how well they can make the sign of the cross.


Our 5/6s have been focusing on identifying marginalised groups within society and what can be done to encourage understanding and support.  Have a look at the 5/6 T page for more information about their projects.


Warmest wishes and blessings to you all.

Marion O'Brien

Education in Faith Leader