Around The Primary

Dear Parents

We hope you enjoy this clip as it provides a glimpse into the great learning activities occurring around the Primary school.

Just a reminder, school will be closed for all students on Monday 28 March for Parent/Teacher interviews. Thank you to the many parents who have already booked a time to meet with class teachers. These meetings are a valuable opportunity for teachers to share information about each child’s academic and social development.  The staff are looking forward to this opportunity to connect with all families.


Last night Year 5B accompanied by Mr Fromm, Mrs Standing, Mrs Gardner, Mrs Haydon and Ms Kidd enjoyed a Sunset Safari at Perth Zoo. From all accounts they had a ‘zootastic’ time! Next Thursday 31 March Year 5G will participate in this wonderful experience.

The days ahead are going to be testing for those families in isolation. A good way of thinking about the whole situation is that we are indeed lucky that our children are safe and sound, given that many families around the world are dealing with a whole lot more. Try to get back to the basics and enjoy this time with your children as much as possible. Play, read, build, tell stories, look at photos, clean, cook, garden, tell jokes, write letters, make cards, paint, fix things, rearrange furniture, sing, play an instrument, write a poem, do a crossword, knit, sew, write a song, search for a competition to enter online, teach your child how to fix a flat bike tyre, watch a movie together that warms your hearts, ... in the end these will be the foundation of beautiful childhood memories!


Many thanks​ to those parents who have sent a message of encouragement and recognition to our hard-working staff for all their efforts throughout the term - it is valued and really reinforces what a special community we all belong to.


May we all continue to stay safe and well.


Kind regards


Antoinette De Pinto

Head of Primary 


Our Year Six Leaders look magnificent in their new leadership shirts!

Dates to Remember

Monday 28 MarchPupil Free Day – Parent Teacher Interviews
Thursday 31 March5G Sunset Safari, Perth Zoo

Please check the College Website to note all the important Primary school events for your family calendar.

MATH Week Fun

To help celebrate Math Week, students enjoyed Math games in Angelo’s Village!

 Have a go at these math jokes and trivia!


What did 0 say to 8?
Nice belt
Some months have 31 days others have 30 days. How many have 28?
All of them
Why was six afraid of seven?
Because seven, eight, nine!
Why can’t a clock run forever?
Because its hours are numbered

Sports Update

Term 2 

We will continue to provide extra sporting opportunities whilst complying with the current COVID restrictions.  This term we have been keeping year groups separate during sessions as much as possible.  All before and after-school sports will begin in Week 2, apart from cross country that will begin in week 6.


Cross Country 

  • Tuesdays and Thursdays, Years 3 to 6
  • 7:30am outside St Louis Sports Centre
  • No sign up required
  • Starts Week 6
  • Parents are normally welcome to join and run with the group, this will be confirmed closer to Week 6

Soccer with Adi and J&J Soccer

  • Tuesday, 3:30pm to 4:30pm, Junior Primary Oval, Years 1 to 6
  • Sign up with Adi
  • Starts 3 May

Basketball with Redhage Basketball

  • Thursdays, 3:20pm to 4:20pm, St Louis Sports Centre, Years 3 to 6
  • Registration at, opens Sunday 27 March 
  • Starts 5 May

If you have any queries about anything sport related, please contact me via email 


Mr Steve Williams

Primary Sport Coordinator

Bricks 4 Kidz - Term 2 Registrations

Following the success of the Bricks 4 Kidz program in Term 1, we are pleased to continue this program for Term 2.


Registrations are for new students to the program only.  This registration is for any students in Years 2-3 who missed out on attending in Term 1, and also Year 1 students that would like to join the Term 2 program. 


Trybooking link opens Saturday 2 April 2022



Registrations are for new students to the program.  This registration is for any students in Years 4-6 who missed out on attending in Term 1. 


Trybooking link opens Saturday 2 April 2022 


Please refer to the attached flyer for further information on the Term 2 Programs including schedule and costs. 


For students who attended in Term 1 and would like to re-enrol for Term 2, please email to register your interest should positions become available.