Year 11

2022 and we have certainly hit the ground running in Year 11. The start of VCE can be quite challenging as the expectations are raised and as a year level, our students have stepped up to this challenge. 


The year commenced with workshops designed to help students become organised with their studies whilst making sure there is a balance with life outside of the College. Many students have taken on part-time jobs over the summer and so will need to balance their commitment to both.


In Year 11, our future leaders are called upon to take on leadership responsibilities that support the Year 12 leaders. At a recent assembly, they were presented the various leadership roles they could undertake and were encouraged to nominate themselves for them. This process, including interviews,  will conclude next week.


As a part of our Pastoral Period, Homerooms were given the challenge of building towers made out of spaghetti and marshmallows. The aim of this challenge was for students to engage, cooperate and problem solve and to have a few laughs along the way! 

Our next Pastoral Period will continue along this theme where presenters from y-Lead will guide our Year 11 students through team building activities aimed at strengthening connections within the year level.


Trish Moloney

Level Leader: 

Year 11