Living Justice 

Social Justice

Caritas - Project Compassion Fundraiser 

Ash Wednesday will mark the launch of the annual Caritas 'Project Compassion' fundraiser. Raising funds through coin donations will prove to be more of a challenge as previous years, as many families don’t carry a lot of currency these days. 


Our Student Leaders are working on new and different ways to fundraise and our EFTPOS machine will be getting quite the workout! Hot Cross Buns, Basketball Competitions and an Easter Egg raffle are high on the agenda. Hold on to your coins and bring them to the College over the next week or alternatively you can Tap a Donation and Go! 


Each week Caritas produces a story about someone or a community whose life has changed due to Caritas. Here is a link to the first week’s story about Anatercia from Mozambique

Kildare Ministries Student Leaders Seminar 

Planning is well underway for our Kildare Ministries Student Leaders Seminar on 17 March. This will be an opportunity for our leaders to connect with the leaders from other Kildare Ministries schools. Unpacking the theme of 'Compassion' will be high on the agenda.  


A big part of the day is also sharing ideas on how to raise awareness within our College communities of the various social justice issues that surround us. This year we have the extra challenge of doing this online. The bonus of this though, will be that we can involve more of our College community so I encourage as many students as willing to sign up for this seminar.


Trish Moloney

Living Justice Leader 



Sustainability this year has kicked off with a bang! With so much happening in the sustainability world already for 2022, we can’t wait to share with you what we’ve already done, and what we plan to do this year.


First of all, given that our College theme for 2022 is ‘Compassion’, we have decided that in order to tie sustainability in with this, our theme would be compassion through sustainability. This means that we will not only be walking with and having empathy for all people, but we will also be walking with and having empathy for the environment.


To bring our theme to life, we have put in place lots of goals and plans for the year, which will all be working towards achieving compassion through sustainability. Some of these goals/plans include:

  • Reducing overall waste for both students and teachers and we have already actioned this by ordering new bins for the whole school, as well as bins specifically made for the recycling of disposable gloves used in the Chemistry labs.
  • Providing the College community with more ways that they can be resourceful.  One way in which this is being continued this year (following on from previous years) is through the development and expansion of our Garden Club. The veggie patch on the oval has expanded, and now includes two more raised garden beds, taps and a brand-new greenhouse. It’s so exciting to think about the possibilities that these new additions will bring to the club and sustainability at Kilbreda as a whole, not to mention the extra space for even more veggies and herbs to be planted!
  • Participating in global sustainability events at school and this week it has been ‘Earth Hour’. Throughout the year there will be many more events to participate in!

Earth Hour

This week, we have been participating in ‘Earth Hour’; an annual global initiative which aims to encourage everyone to make the switch for nature. Although the actual worldwide event is on Saturday 26 March at 8:30pm, we have implemented some things at the College throughout the week which have allowed us as a whole community to participate in Earth Hour, by making it Earth Week! 


Some of the things we have done this week to make a Kilbreda switch for nature are:

  • A chalk mural on the concrete at the gate advertising Earth Hour this week,
  • Turning off lights and screens in Homerooms in the mornings,
  • A schoolwide challenge for Friday, Period 5, when we encourage all members of the College community to think about how they could make the switch for nature for an hour, whether this be not using the smartboard for that class, or turning the lights off (if possible, of course), or anything else that everyone comes up with!
  • Finally, on Saturday 26 March at 8:30pm when the worldwide Earth Hour is happening, the Kilbreda tower lights will be turned off for an hour, to make Kilbreda’s switch for nature, as well as encouraging students and teachers alike to make their switch and switch off.

We look forward to sharing more with you throughout the year!


Alexandra Bonsall

Sustainability Leader