MEAS Corner

From the Multicultural Team

Talofa Lava! Kudual!


We trust that everyone is settling well into the school year. Its great to see many new faces in the school yard and the diversity represented here at Kurunjang Secondary College. We look forward to meeting you at some stage during this year OR you can come and say hello to us. You can find us in the Careers Office (near the back of the Library). Mrs Tuaoi. Mr Athel. Ms Dau (Your Multicultural Education Support Team).


Coming up soon… Harmony Day & Multicultural Week (March 21st – 25th) If you want to be part of this and showcase your culture, please come and talk to us.


Congratulations on an amazing Cultural performance by one of our students Faga. Here she performed alongside with other students from surrounding colleges. They made a huge impact with their traditional Samoan and Fijian costumes and graceful dances and movements. It was a wonderful community event, where you were able to showcase your culture and identity. (Afronesian Festival 2021)


Maths Support after school program – In the Library @ 3:20 to 4:20 pm on Mondays.


School Holiday activities run by CMY/CSG - South Sudanese Program  ( The activities includes:  Family Fun & Games days, Excursions to Melbourne Aquarium, Great Ocean road, Horse riding etc). Many of our students & families from South Sudanese background participate in these activities.