Primary School News

Primary School

Margaret Doucas

Primary School Principal

Class 6C Sailing Camp

We went to The Grampians (Gariwerd) for a sailing camp for four days. We camped at Lake Fyans Holiday Park. We had to pack warm clothes for the cold mornings and nights. We also needed closed-toe shoes for sailing to keep our feet safe. We learnt to sail on small yachts called 'pacers'. They had a maximum of four sailors per boat. The sailing instructors carefully made each boat capsize at least once to show us how it felt and how to deal with it. When our boat capsized, we put our weight onto the centre board to flip the boat up again.


We took part in several activities on the pacers:

  1. We split into two teams (blue & red). Then the two boats sailed out onto the lake. Each boat sailed to each of the four bouys which displayed a letter of the alphabet. We had to put the four letters together to make a word (tack).
  2. We learnt how to make three types of sailing knots: reef knots, bowline knots and figure-of-8 knots.
  3. We had a Treasure Hunt set up by the sailing instructors. The treasure turned out to be Easter Eggs

Thank you to our teacher Jo Windred for organising our camp.

Class 6C Students




Class 1/2 Reggio Trip to Legoland

In class 1/2 we have been exploring 2D shapes & 3D objects. We have also looked at maps, location and direction. To celebrate this learning we made a trip to Legoland and had a chance to practise these new skills. It was great to see the students have so much fun and work together throughout the excursion. 

Bianca, Phoebe & Simon

1/2 Classroom Teachers



Primary School Production - Assistance Requested

Dear Families,

I am pleased to announce we have a grant this year to work with two artists from Mosster studio: Daniel Calvo and Angela Hernandez.

  We are creating an outdoors school production 'Rejoice’ with every child in the Primary school involved as well as a mini White Night.

Please add this date to your diary

Thursday, 22nd July at 5.30pm

Expression of interest

If you are interested in projection in any way and you would like to work with a group of students in Term 2 to create a projection piece can you please email me.

If you have any other artistic skills that you would like to share as part of this production please email me.

I will also need people to set up in the afternoon of the production, please keep this in mind, I will send an email again closer to the time.

Angela Dionysopoulos

Visual Art/Performing Arts





For their safety, ALL students should wear 'closed-toe' shoes for sport / P.E. classes. Sandals, thongs and bare feet are not suitable. Runners are recommended for indoor and outdoor classes.




Please click on the attachment below to see a list of Stringed instruments for sale. If you have an instrument for sale please email Naomi at: