Be an Upstander not a Bystander

An Upstander is someone who sees something wrong and acts to make it right.
There are many different situations and ways to be an Upstander. Below is an example of this.
You walk into a class and notice a new student to the school sitting alone nervously. Your friends are sitting in another row and have saved you a seat.
How do you think the new student feels?
What is something you could do to support the new student?
Hopefully you would do at least one of the following things:
- Smile at them and say hello
- Sit next to them and welcome them to the school
- Ask them if they want to sit with your group
- If there is partner or group work ask them to work with you.
- Hang out with them at recess or lunch
- Be an informal buddy until they get settled in.
We have all been new to a school, work or a club so we can empathise with the new student. If you are an Upstander the new student will appreciate your kindness and have a positive start to Fairhills High School.