Instrumental Music

Year 7 Instrumental Music Program Review
Learning the Flute - Written by Jack Silcot – Year 7 – flute
Learning a new instrument is a wonderful, broadening experience. Music can soothe the soul and calm the mind. My experience to learning the flute has been one of my most fond parts of Year 7, and most likely, will go on to be one of the fondest parts of my schooling. Originally, I had only decided to learn the flute entirely out of personal preference between all the available instruments to learn. I thought, ‘It’s just a big recorder.’ But as the holidays progressed into Year 7 (including a generous gift of my very own flute from Santa), I became more and more excited at the prospect of learning an instrument.
Every day of my lessons, I pack my flute and my sheet music booklet to bring to school. When I arrive at A14, I come in, set up my flute and begin to play. It’s an easy transition to go from the middle of a class to my lesson, then packing up afterwards and preparing for my next period. My teacher has me practice notes, chromatic scales, mastering my fingering on the flute, and working my way up to tunes and fuller songs. It’s never stressful and practice truly does make perfect.
I am now in the flute ensemble, and as of now, preparing for my first-ever performance as part of the ensemble. In the almost-3 months since my first lesson, I have found a new hobby and passion, something I can create with nothing but my fingers and lips. I attempt to practice on most days, and look I forward to each and every lesson. I plan to hold playing the flute as a special skill when I grow older, and I think I will never lose enjoyment out of holding a flute in my hands and creating music out of thin air.
Discovery Night - Music Ensemble
Congratulations to students in the following music ensembles who performed at the Discovery Night:
- Brass Ensemble
- Choir
- Flute
- Ensemble
- Guitar solos
- Percussion
- Ensemble Violin
- Ensemble
- VCE Music Performance Band